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Feel free to talk about weightlifting, heavyletics and generally fitness related arguments.

Feeds from Reddit and IWF are linked directly in the room.

The room is linked to Matrix via Aria Network's Bifrost.

[00:05:03] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: [Form Check] Just Finished a 3x5 program and got the WL bug. 80kg C&J, roast me and thanks for the inspiration. (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11x0f16/form_check_just_finished_a_3x5_program_and_got/)
[02:49:36] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 206 x 2 (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11x4iko/206_x_2/)
[04:47:06] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Calorie Requirements (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11x6sc9/calorie_requirements/)
[06:42:54] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Do you recommend buy a theragun? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11x92j6/do_you_recommend_buy_a_theragun/)
[07:05:22] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Snatch Technique Check (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11x98wu/snatch_technique_check/)
[07:53:49] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 90kg clean at 57 kg, what can i improve from here? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xa3tu/90kg_clean_at_57_kg_what_can_i_improve_from_here/)
[08:24:09] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Hello everybody, any tips on my snatches? Thank you!! (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11x99am/hello_everybody_any_tips_on_my_snatches_thank_you/)
[11:13:49] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Worked a bit on my catch and focus on speed, but keep smashing my pubic bone….had to stop after 60kg because of pain….. why?!?😫 (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xd2yn/worked_a_bit_on_my_catch_and_focus_on_speed_but/)
[12:44:40] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: looking for sum tips and advice! i've been trying to hit this hundred but it seems the bar is forward but i dont know how to fix it in my form. is it a technique or a mental thing? because i've already hit 95 and if felt and looked okay. thanks in advance! (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xfjih/looking_for_sum_tips_and_advice_ive_been_trying/)
[13:25:11] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Knee wraps recommendations? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xgj1p/knee_wraps_recommendations/)
[13:35:17] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Snatch Complex (power+ohs+dip) 60kg (my current snatch pb) (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xgz5k/snatch_complex_powerohsdip_60kg_my_current_snatch/)
[16:38:07] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Prevent Bar Crash, I try to go heavy, the bar tends to crash on me, and it leads to a missing lift (and some dangerous miss in that 100kg miss, but thanks god, I am all good) First clip is 97.5 and 2nd is 100kg (PS: I know my extension is bad, i tend to have bad extension when going heavy) (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xm5p5/prevent_bar_crash_i_try_to_go_heavy_the_bar_tends/)
[16:48:20] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Is it just me, or do my first pulls seem a little slow for these power snatches (85 kg)? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xmj9s/is_it_just_me_or_do_my_first_pulls_seem_a_little/)
[17:08:34] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Am I crazy or my hips are actually shooting up first causing my back to round? Or is this amount not significant? How is it overall? New weight so kinda paranoid. (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xn4yt/am_i_crazy_or_my_hips_are_actually_shooting_up/)
[18:19:35] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: I was squatting the other day and my heart rate went super high. Are my days of heavy lifting over? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xp649/i_was_squatting_the_other_day_and_my_heart_rate/)
[18:49:59] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: How much space do you use for lifts? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xqaw0/how_much_space_do_you_use_for_lifts/)
[19:10:15] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Failed 120kg in january. PR cleaned it today. How does it look? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xqv9e/failed_120kg_in_january_pr_cleaned_it_today_how/)
[19:50:44] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Tuesday morning training 135, 180, 70 no contact (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xrzok/tuesday_morning_training_135_180_70_no_contact/)
[20:00:54] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Bar moving forward on descent, any tips? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xsago/bar_moving_forward_on_descent_any_tips/)
[20:00:56] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Tips for keeping arms longer in the clean? Grip is a couple of fingers in from the ring. This is 4 reps with 110kg (about 80%) (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xsbvn/tips_for_keeping_arms_longer_in_the_clean_grip_is/)
[20:11:17] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Health and Wellness Survey (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xsi37/health_and_wellness_survey/)
[20:51:51] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 37/M Looking to compete in my first weightlifting comp in 2023 -- HELP ME (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xtwpy/37m_looking_to_compete_in_my_first_weightlifting/)
[21:02:00] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Snatching 65% of my clean and jerk- what can I fix? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xu6pe/snatching_65_of_my_clean_and_jerk_what_can_i_fix/)
[21:02:03] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Is there any rules saying you can’t go on the platform with headphones in? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xu9xq/is_there_any_rules_saying_you_cant_go_on_the/)
[21:32:23] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Fairly new to Olympic lifts, any constructive criticism is welcome. This is ~80% of my ma and last 3 of a 5x3 session. Power C&J @ 84 kg(185 lb) (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xsz6g/fairly_new_to_olympic_lifts_any_constructive/)
[21:32:27] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: (M28)5’8” 160lbs I’m brand new to weight lifting and I want to build some muscle. Any recommendations where to start? Thanks :) (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xtkbh/m2858_160lbs_im_brand_new_to_weight_lifting_and_i/)
[21:52:44] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: My retirement passion (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xvtug/my_retirement_passion/)
[22:12:56] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Cramping in neck during push press? (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xwk2j/cramping_in_neck_during_push_press/)
[22:23:07] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 97.5kg hang clean + jerk 5x1 (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xwoaw/975kg_hang_clean_jerk_5x1/)
[22:24:18] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 90 kg clean (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xwpyi/90_kg_clean/)
[23:04:16] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: High bar ass to grass vs powerlifting squat (https://old.reddit.com/r/weightlifting/comments/11xxag3/high_bar_ass_to_grass_vs_powerlifting_squat/)