Monday, July 06, 2020
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[01:59:57] <Suval> o7
[02:00:43] <atomos> Ahoy thar!
[02:10:29] <atomos> Heya Ligermk1 welcome aboard
[02:11:06] <Ligermk1> Yellow Captain Atomos
[02:12:27] <Ligermk1> Hello from the blast from the past
[02:14:14] <atomos> o/
[02:14:32] <Ligermk1> From Vox
[02:22:08] <Ligermk1> Life Matters for all
[05:15:33] <Suval> Ato, you and Blind both have made my weekend. Both of you have touched me, made me tear up or cry and then smile. You both have also given me a chance to reflect on whats going on. Just wanted to give you a heart felt thank you for what you do.
[07:03:05] <atomos> Thanks again MightyBOB catch ya later o7
[07:03:15] <MightyBOB> O7 O7