Wednesday, July 01, 2020
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[05:08:18] <Suval> all hands, haul together
[05:08:31] <atomos> Yo ho!
[05:08:42] <Suval> I'll be aroundfor a bit tonight :)
[05:08:49] <Suval> *around for
[05:08:59] <atomos> right on, should be fun :)
[05:23:25] <Suval> Ato, if you haven't seen this, definitely worth a watch:
[05:23:37] <Suval> ""
[05:23:48] <Suval> it's a BSG concert
[05:24:06] <atomos> Ahh ya right on, seen the first one, but will have to check out the second
[05:24:27] <Suval> i accidentally posted the same link
[05:24:38] <atomos> I have a live version of Apocalypse they preform, ill have to run that here
[05:24:49] <Suval> oh definitely
[06:15:47] <Suval> Main tile by James Horner......Motion Picture right?
[06:16:24] <Suval> nvm. couple of the notes gave it away
[06:32:17] <atomos> :D
[06:51:19] <Suval> Ato, plz do that on a Sunday as well.
[06:51:48] <Suval> think a lot of people would be crusin with the tunes
[07:16:55] <Suval> alright Ato, Thank you for the great show tonight. Catch ya soon. Happy 4th as well if I don't see you. Please be safe sir.
[07:17:20] <atomos> Will do, take care, see ya soon o7
[07:31:19] <MightyBOB> \m/-_-\m/
[07:42:06] <atomos> ;)
[08:16:15] <atomos> thanks again for tuning in MightyBOB, take er easy yo!
[08:16:22] <MightyBOB> Adios atomos.