Tuesday, March 13, 2018
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Welcome to Trek Radio (http://www.trekradio.net).

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-- Powered by Echo1 relay lines. Note that relayed users (the tagged ones e.g. << Torenn (Coldfront) >> are unable to receive private messages as they're Holoprojections from other places and not "physically" here.)

[04:04:22] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> no dj again tonight?
[04:05:10] <altiren (Coldfront)> Terranova comming up.
[04:05:27] <altiren (Coldfront)> coming
[04:06:52] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Terra Nova is coming up in a moment
[04:19:28] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> My internet connection is having issues, sorry for the
[04:19:30] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> problem
[04:21:03] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> time to call your isp and tell them to change the hamsters in the wheels again, D
[04:22:12] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> both of you keep getting run over by i think it is the emh
[04:35:39] <kareemwoods (STO)> hello
[04:43:11] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Hiya Kareem
[04:48:52] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> uh oh, connection hiccup
[04:51:26] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> I wish I could go to one... besides the money or lack there of but it is so hard for me to get arround I use a powerchair
[04:51:53] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I've seen powerchairs at just about every convention I've gone to
[04:51:58] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> the big cons and the small cons
[04:52:16] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> you'd be welcomed there and accommodated
[04:52:30] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> but if it's difficult for you to do it that's understandable
[04:52:45] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I often see service animals too
[04:53:57] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> the last convention I went to was a horror one I won tickets to and I was "ran over" several times because it was so crouded people were not watching
[04:54:48] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> the good thing was al snow from the WWE defened me lol
[04:54:48] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> that sucks. It may depend on the event runners, but then crowds can be good or not, some people are just not considerate
[04:55:06] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> it would be tough at San Diego Comic Con because it's so packed and crowded
[04:55:20] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Sweet
[04:55:22] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> I live in Louisville KY
[04:55:43] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> maybe smaller or mid size cons would be better, but maybe it just depends on the people
[04:56:21] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> ya but if good guests are there then it gets packed
[04:56:55] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> sorry did not meen to distract
[05:00:59] <kareemwoods (STO)> woah random music
[05:01:08] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> uh oh
[05:01:22] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> my connection has been wonky lately and getting worse
[05:01:34] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I may need to reboot my router, or call my cable company
[05:02:01] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> comcast sucks
[05:02:08] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> hopefully it clears up
[05:03:01] <kareemwoods (STO)> random music again
[05:03:12] <kareemwoods (STO)> lol
[05:06:23] <kareemwoods (STO)> because nature is scary
[05:06:40] <kareemwoods (STO)> damn nature you scary
[05:12:05] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> tell comcast you want a refund for so many srevice interruptions
[05:13:20] <kareemwoods (STO)> cant wait until you guys out this show on a podcast
[05:13:31] <kareemwoods (STO)> no random music lol
[05:13:44] <kareemwoods (STO)> speaking of random music..
[05:13:53] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> yeah, the problem is with my connection this time
[05:14:12] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Risa is streaming on Twitch so that wouldn't be interrupted
[05:14:32] <kareemwoods (STO)> whats her twitch
[05:14:40] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> except if I get cut off mid sentence
[05:14:48] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> she's streaming to the Trek Radio twitch channel
[05:14:54] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> http://twitch.tv/TrekRadioOfficla
[05:15:07] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> http://twitch.tv/TrekRadioOfficial
[05:18:12] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> where are my pancakes?
[05:19:09] <kareemwoods (STO)> i havent made pancakes in almost a year with eggs sausage and bacon
[05:20:40] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> kareemwoods if you need a taste tester my boyfriend volenteers
[05:22:13] <kareemwoods (STO)> ive got lazy been eating poptarts and stuff lol
[05:22:22] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> it is about like him saying that 70's show is dated
[05:23:24] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> I would like to take the enterprise for a spin
[05:25:31] <kareemwoods (STO)> deyvid going through the wormhole
[05:26:09] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> ty deyvid I am getting the audiobook now
[05:27:09] <BLINDBAT (Coldfront)> is it just me I keep hearing every other word
[05:27:52] <kareemwoods (STO)> i switched over to the twitch
[05:27:53] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> that's my internet connection going wonky
[05:28:20] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I'm streaming the audio on Trek Radio so everything goes wonky when my connection dips
[05:28:33] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Risa is streaming on our Twitch so only I would dip out there, she would still be fine
[05:28:48] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> http://twitch.tv/TrekRadioOffical
[05:30:25] <kareemwoods (STO)> yeah she seems a bit tiny
[05:30:59] <kareemwoods (STO)> loool what did they expect the polygon tits
[05:34:03] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> wow my connection is bad tonight
[05:46:36] <kareemwoods (STO)> bad timing for that to come out
[05:46:43] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> yep
[05:47:37] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> hey gang
[05:48:28] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> hey joshthenesnerd
[05:48:28] <dafydd68 (STO)> hi josh
[05:48:42] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> hey deyvid, hey dafydd
[05:48:52] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> how're you folks?
[05:49:18] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I'm good, starting to get sick maybe, and my internet connection is crap tonight
[05:49:46] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> crap net? that stinks
[05:51:09] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> i've been playing in a star trek based tabletop rpg campaign. we had a plan to go to a bar on Qo'nos. and i pulled a bar name out of nowhere. guess which bar name i used. :P
[05:51:24] <dafydd68 (STO)> Con crud
[05:51:24] <kareemwoods (STO)> ew you got the con sickness?
[05:51:44] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> possibly con crud but my mom & dad are both sick and went to dr to get meds
[05:51:51] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> feel better, deyv.
[05:51:55] <dafydd68 (STO)> awww sorry to hear that
[05:52:20] <dafydd68 (STO)> Like Nikita
[05:54:32] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> thanks
[05:54:38] <dafydd68 (STO)> HAve you heard anyhtng about annihilation - straight to netflix?
[05:55:00] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> the Natalie Portman movie?
[05:55:17] <dafydd68 (STO)> yeah
[05:55:26] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I hadn't heard anything
[05:55:26] <dafydd68 (STO)> will it be worth watching?
[05:55:40] <dafydd68 (STO)> I had heard it had gone straight to netflix :-(
[05:58:27] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> deyvid, if you run the trek radio twitch you should probably know that if you set your stream's game to "talk shows" you may get more viewers waching.
[06:00:18] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> yeah we have done that. tonight I'm doing the audio stream, Risa is doing Twitch tonight
[06:01:33] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Hi Dey! And (sorry I keep forgetting your name!)
[06:02:41] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Heya Parttimechampion
[06:03:27] <Capt.Tsonia (STO)> waves
[06:09:03] <Capt.Tsonia (STO)> nite
[06:09:16] <Capt.Tsonia (STO)> LLAP
[06:09:41] <Capt.Tsonia (STO)> maj ram
[06:10:04] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Sleep well Dey, sleep well Tsonia. :)
[06:10:20] <Capt.Tsonia (STO)> You too!
[11:05:53] <deys> @trcurrent
[11:06:53] <Echo1> deys: Couldn't detect any song there...
[16:26:46] <Torenn> @restart
[16:26:46] <Echo1> Relay system is being restarted in 10 seconds...
[19:11:29] <kareemwoods (STO)> hello