Wednesday, March 07, 2018
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[02:52:28] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> o7
[02:52:43] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> o7
[02:53:17] <Suval (Coldfront)> o7
[02:56:09] <Hick (Coldfront)> o7
[02:56:13] <Suval (Coldfront)> Hickpla'!
[02:56:24] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> Excel is being a little dick today, gonna reboot and be right back
[02:57:18] <Suval (Coldfront)> o7 General
[02:58:53] <species8471 (STO)> **gets round 1 ready for Hick
[03:00:57] <Hick (Coldfront)> **tips his glass approvingly at the Admiral
[03:01:43] <Hick (Coldfront)> waddup Coley!
[03:01:49] <digitalnight#2633 (STO)> TUNE!
[03:01:56] <species8471 (STO)> tune
[03:02:30] <Hick (Coldfront)> are we advertising the Discord yet?
[03:03:26] <Hick (Coldfront)> nice
[03:03:27] <altiren (Coldfront)> We are advertizing the discord, otherwise, why is it on the chat room description.
[03:03:39] <species8471 (STO)> heya Alt
[03:03:48] <Hick (Coldfront)> lol I didn't even notice the channel topic
[03:03:56] <altiren (Coldfront)> Also, welcome back Hick, good to see ya.
[03:04:21] <Hick (Coldfront)> many thanks. great to be back
[03:04:25] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> Good to have ya back Hick
[03:04:42] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> Hick plaw ka ka ka kaw :P
[03:04:55] <species8471 (STO)> lol wb TT
[03:05:02] <altiren (Coldfront)> Thank you. I try to always do my best on air.
[03:05:37] <Suval (Coldfront)> Don't encourage him ;)
[03:05:37] <altiren (Coldfront)> Oh yes.
[03:08:10] <altiren (Coldfront)> you sound great.
[03:08:17] <species8471 (STO)> 5x5
[03:09:04] <digitalnight#2633 (STO)> it has been good to see your still alive
[03:09:17] <digitalnight#2633 (STO)> \o/
[03:21:51] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> lost my mom 4 years ago
[03:22:34] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> the woman that got me into star trek
[03:23:12] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> At least she got to see 1 grandkid before she passed
[03:25:59] <Suval (Coldfront)> Family always comes first
[03:26:06] <altiren (Coldfront)> Hey, we care about you very much. you are like family here.
[03:28:52] <altiren (Coldfront)> Oops, hit the enter button on accident.
[03:29:10] <altiren (Coldfront)> I was removing the headphones.
[03:30:30] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> you are now required to play Ramble On by Led Zeppelin :P
[03:33:53] <altiren (Coldfront)> Normal? what's normal.
[03:36:27] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Hey Hick, glad to hear your mom is doing better.
[03:36:28] <Hick (Coldfront)> Scotland seems intriguing. I am guess the golf course is a good amenity source down the line?
[03:36:38] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Mic's on, Hick!
[03:36:38] <Hick (Coldfront)> thanks, Excal!!
[03:36:40] <species8471 (STO)> open mic hick
[03:36:56] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Om nom nom
[03:36:57] <altiren (Coldfront)> Yeah, we can hear you in the 4ground.
[03:38:52] <kareemwoods (STO)> hello
[03:39:30] <altiren (Coldfront)> You've been out a while, your show, just roll with it.
[03:40:57] <Suval (Coldfront)> heya GG
[03:41:06] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> hey
[03:44:36] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> lol o
[03:44:42] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> lol 2nd time's a charm
[03:44:49] *OG_Trigon (Coldfront) waves
[03:44:56] <species8471 (STO)> Tri!
[03:45:53] *Suval (Coldfront) bows
[03:46:04] *altiren (Coldfront) smiles
[03:51:03] <altiren (Coldfront)> There's a trick to set up discord Hick.
[03:51:14] <altiren (Coldfront)> I could walk you threw it if needded.
[03:51:44] <altiren (Coldfront)> Iy esd sldo hard for me to set up as well.
[03:52:13] <altiren (Coldfront)> It was hard for me to set up as well.
[03:53:00] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> I don't understand why EVERYBODY feels the need to use discord.
[03:53:51] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> new wave
[03:53:54] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> the meta
[03:54:08] <Arcainite (STO)> I like it, Tokyo. I take it you do not. What don't you like about it?
[03:54:09] <digitalnight#2633 (STO)> cause they need to use discord not datcord
[03:54:21] <altiren (Coldfront)> the settings dialog is to the right of one of the buttons.
[03:54:24] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> I think I'm 1 year younger than you Hick
[03:54:50] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> I remember when everybody felt the need to have a website, even Sunny Delight
[03:55:04] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> yup early 40's
[03:55:30] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> old man :P
[03:55:46] <species8471 (STO)> now your calling him a trill lol
[03:55:58] <species8471 (STO)> Hick Dax
[03:56:04] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> okay, 3 years younger than you then
[03:56:10] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> 44 next week :P
[03:56:19] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> and let me emphasize YOUNGER :P
[03:57:30] <altiren (Coldfront)> cogsworth.
[03:58:25] <species8471 (STO)> Grinder calling u old man
[03:59:05] <altiren (Coldfront)> I don't care, spoil away.
[03:59:14] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> so bad
[03:59:48] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> was never on the trump train
[04:00:22] *altiren (Coldfront) just wants the trump train to end.
[04:00:29] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> wasnt
[04:00:39] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> lunch time, will keep listening on my phone though
[04:01:01] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> not me.. was tolerant of him once elected, but never liked him
[04:01:08] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> was Quack that liked him
[04:01:43] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> lol
[04:03:47] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> look like they are aiming to take trump down fairly soon tho
[04:04:11] <Durzan20 (STO)> depends on your viewpoint
[04:04:13] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> mic hot hick
[04:04:27] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Mic is on again!
[04:04:34] <Durzan20 (STO)> mueller will not take him down until hes good and ready with every i dotted and t crossed, so to speak
[04:05:05] <Durzan20 (STO)> republicans will not take him down either since they figured out they are swimming in dirty russian money too, whether intentional or not
[04:05:20] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> You don't hassle with the Hoff.
[04:05:23] <Durzan20 (STO)> so either gotta wait for mueller or democrats to take back the house and senate
[04:07:24] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> the stuff that came out tonight might be the actual final straw tho mr Durzan... campaign finance fraud is no joke
[04:07:57] <Durzan20 (STO)> oh hell i havent seen tonight yet
[04:08:27] <Durzan20 (STO)> but republicans cant take him down i really dont think, NRA is dirty, which means every republican in washington is dirty too, whether they knew it or not at the time
[04:08:45] <altiren (Coldfront)> Palpateen you are dead, go home.
[04:08:52] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> stormy daniels released documents from trumps lawyer showing they misused campaign money to shut her up... if thats true its over
[04:08:55] <Durzan20 (STO)> every republican that has the security clearance to read whats actually going on in the investigation has announced retirement
[04:09:20] <Durzan20 (STO)> why? its nothing worse than a billion other things hes already done
[04:09:32] <Durzan20 (STO)> hes a traitor, that hasnt bothered them
[04:09:44] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> except thats actually braking the law.. thats all they need.
[04:10:04] <Durzan20 (STO)> technically its more than they need
[04:10:13] <Durzan20 (STO)> he has already done what nixon did at least 3 times
[04:10:15] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> they dont need anything rly
[04:11:23] <Durzan20 (STO)> hopefully the mitt romney story will turn a few old deluded true conservatives back toward the light
[04:13:52] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> she not sueing him... she wants the courts to make it null and void because Trump never signed it
[04:14:03] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> so she can talk about to the media
[04:14:27] <Durzan20 (STO)> the lawyer already admitted doing it, seems like that should nullify it alone
[04:19:45] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> Fentinyl Hick
[04:21:13] <altiren (Coldfront)> Don't click that. "it's a trap."
[04:22:10] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> they were supposed to do a porn video... but he backed out
[04:22:33] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> yea
[04:23:14] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> 10 years ago...
[04:23:43] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> im sure
[04:24:19] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> :P
[04:25:58] <altiren (Coldfront)> I hardly pop on facebook so no.
[04:32:00] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> it really does look amazing
[04:32:04] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> im going to watch
[04:33:16] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> look like the doctor was female in the new nexfix series hick?
[04:33:21] <Hick (Coldfront)> mic is off! lol
[04:36:28] <altiren (Coldfront)> I've never seen this, it sounds cool just from this track I'm hearing.
[04:37:01] <altiren (Coldfront)> So say we all.
[04:37:01] <species8471 (STO)> So say we all
[04:37:42] <altiren (Coldfront)> It's that Hick dude... :-)
[04:39:28] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> GTG have a good one all
[04:47:07] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> i dont watch that shit fake Star Trek shit :P
[04:47:10] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> hick
[04:47:35] <altiren (Coldfront)> Startrek discovery? more like star trek disease.
[04:47:42] <DJ_Atomos (Coldfront)> What is this trek of stars that you speak of?
[04:47:43] <Suval (Coldfront)> Capt on deck o7
[04:47:54] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> hehe
[04:48:06] <altiren (Coldfront)> Yes yes. well put atomos, we don't talk about that acursed show.
[04:49:53] <DJ_Atomos (Coldfront)> o7
[04:51:05] <kareemwoods (STO)> my birthday april 23 :P
[04:54:46] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> you going to play on PC Hick?
[04:56:18] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> doh
[04:56:36] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> ima probably get it
[04:57:45] <GGrinder187 (Coldfront)> GG
[04:57:54] <DJ_Atomos (Coldfront)> Phantom Subspace Drive-in
[04:58:23] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Thanks for the how, Hick. Hi Ato!
[04:58:28] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> PSSDT!!!!!
[04:58:29] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> 10 years ago?
[04:58:34] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> oh
[04:59:34] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Do a barrel roll
[04:59:47] <altiren (Coldfront)> I'm going to call it a night. I'll see you sunday atomos. Hick, welcome back, and have a good night.
[05:00:07] <DiscoveryISREALTREK (Coldfront)> DISCOVERY IS NOT FAKE TREK
[05:01:52] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> The rest of you gentlemen can bugger off!
[05:03:10] <Hick (Coldfront)> thanks, coley. much appreciated!
[05:03:22] <Hick (Coldfront)> thanks all for tuning in!
[05:03:29] <Hick (Coldfront)> stay tuned for ya boi
[05:05:36] <Hick (Coldfront)> got to reboot back over to the Win10 drive. bbiab
[05:08:56] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> /waves
[05:17:08] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> I skipped the anarchist phase.
[05:17:51] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Hanar
[05:24:32] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> is the scroller broken?
[05:27:01] *OG_Trigon (Coldfront) waves
[05:27:28] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> :D glad to give you more work
[05:27:43] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> I am, thanks! Glad SAM isn't giving you grief tonight. :)
[05:28:15] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> yes T T
[05:28:36] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> All done Ato. I graduate on the 16th.
[05:29:40] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> was listening to the radio today going from one job site to another and they were giving jenbom some airplay
[05:36:36] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Sweet, sweet PSDT
[05:40:49] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Where is this from'
[05:40:51] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> ?
[05:41:21] <Durzan20 (STO)> ahoy atomos, trekradio
[05:41:28] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> i feel like i'm ever so slowly being ported into a game ala Flynn
[05:41:33] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> and i love it
[05:43:12] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Indeed... the music is at least something salvageable from that movie.
[05:43:37] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)>
[05:44:47] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> And great music indeed.
[05:45:33] <Demun (Coldfront)> ok now i be here, back from the porch!
[05:54:19] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Didn't Trevor Jones do Dark City's ost?
[05:55:30] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> \oo/
[06:00:21] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> The Crow.
[06:08:19] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> who needs those corded speakers on the posts, everything is over wifi or a radio wave
[06:10:10] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> cars are so 21st century
[06:12:24] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Old is new again!
[06:14:28] *Parttimechampion (Coldfront) plays a fire-breathing guitar
[06:14:41] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> nothing like attempting to sneak in a dozen friends in the trunk of yoru car without paying for them
[06:20:01] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> at teh drive ins around here everyone waanted to be first, so they could park up against the back fence and not be seen with all sorts of hanky panky going on
[06:21:34] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> I do miss drive-ins.
[06:21:37] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> one drawbacka bout that, is if people had to use the facilities, they didn't always go to the restroom near teh snack bar
[06:23:37] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Every paradigm as its drawbacks.
[06:24:22] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> you have to remember, this was in the age before things such as portable toilets became the norm
[06:29:19] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> once heard some people on the outside of the fence that tried using an extendable ladder to scale it from the outside and drop inside without paying .
[06:29:19] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> This set is... amazing for this late at night!
[06:29:58] <Durzan20 (STO)> mmm now i want some acid
[06:30:17] <Durzan20 (STO)> Stoned in the morning light!
[06:41:46] *Parttimechampion (Coldfront) traps Ato in a cave-in. Steals discovery. Changes the world and takes credit for it
[06:43:35] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Starting to make me think about Dune
[06:45:27] <Durzan20 (STO)> Release the atomics!!
[06:45:58] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> But I can't play any of my games!
[06:46:10] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> New PC = no dune games
[06:46:24] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> I need a toaster oven to play the older games.
[06:46:50] <Durzan20 (STO)> cant run them in emulation modes?
[06:47:04] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> They get funky
[06:47:19] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Super turbo mode
[06:48:21] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Dune... that film just doesn't get old.
[06:48:27] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> It aged just so graciously.
[06:48:59] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Harmless Opera House
[06:49:30] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Look upon the shape of things to come.
[06:50:03] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> And know, that God is love.
[06:57:31] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Great segue indeed!
[06:58:27] <Durzan20 (STO)> segway reminds me of x-files, which is funny as hell this season for anyone that isnt watching it
[06:59:05] <Durzan20 (STO)> i thought it was hysterical
[06:59:15] <Durzan20 (STO)> exactly
[06:59:24] <Durzan20 (STO)> heh. well, it fits my taste anyway
[06:59:35] <Durzan20 (STO)> but the alien wall made the whole season
[06:59:48] <Durzan20 (STO)> the segway and the elvis jacket were just perfect
[07:03:16] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> si
[07:04:48] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Google shares
[07:05:12] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Pot of share portfoli
[07:05:17] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> o
[07:05:59] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> what an amazing block for RL
[07:06:10] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> we won 8/10!
[07:09:05] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> dammed crappy connection
[07:12:04] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> We need more cartoons than introduce children to opera and the classics.
[07:17:51] <Excalibur (Coldfront)> Two steps forward, and three steps back
[07:19:46] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> will be quite a task
[07:22:36] *OG_Trigon (Coldfront) waves
[07:23:59] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> poor little bunny
[07:33:25] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> didn't ask for a dime
[07:33:40] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> GOOOPHER TUNA!
[07:33:44] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> BRIIIIIING MORE TUNA!
[07:33:49] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> STAAAAAAAAAAAAAUTE OF BIG DOG
[07:33:53] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> WITH FLEAS!
[07:34:00] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Some men like cheese
[07:34:03] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Hot temperate cheese
[07:34:10] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Green chalk can taste like
[07:34:14] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> HIPPIES
[07:35:12] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> SALSA COOKIES!
[07:35:16] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> WINDMILL COOKIES!
[07:35:25] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> THEY GAVE YOU GONOHRREA!
[07:35:29] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> THIS OCTOPUC
[07:35:34] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> LETS GIVE HIM BOOTS!
[07:35:39] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> SEND HIM TO NORTH KOREA!
[07:35:44] <Durzan20 (STO)> this hippie is a big fan of cheese
[07:48:07] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Ooooh Westworld... sweet sweet westworld.
[07:50:40] <Durzan20 (STO)> chingon! such a great word
[07:55:09] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> \oo/
[07:55:19] <Durzan20 (STO)> it always sounds to me like theres "fuck" in quotations in the middle of the japanese, is that accurate at all?
[07:57:41] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> dope show ty
[07:58:07] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Thanks for the show, Ato! A GREAT PSDT!
[08:03:02] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> lol
[08:13:15] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> thanks for the show!
[08:13:22] <DJ_Atomos (Coldfront)> sho no probs
[08:13:28] <OG_Trigon (Coldfront)> cya sunday gang
[08:13:39] <DJ_Atomos (Coldfront)> I know thats so odd
[08:13:56] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Indeed, thanks!
[08:15:17] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Sleep well, everyone!
[08:19:03] <atomos (Coldfront)> take care all see ya soon