Tuesday, February 27, 2018
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Welcome to Trek Radio (http://www.trekradio.net).

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-- Powered by Echo1 relay lines. Note that relayed users (the tagged ones e.g. << Torenn (Coldfront) >> are unable to receive private messages as they're Holoprojections from other places and not "physically" here.)

[01:56:40] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Howdy Coley
[01:57:02] <DrJ (Coldfront)> howdy MightyBOB
[01:57:40] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Howdy all in Echo1
[02:00:43] <DrJ (Coldfront)> top 40 time 1984
[02:04:25] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Great Tunes in the 80's
[02:08:58] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Yes Sir
[02:12:15] <Darth (Coldfront)> anyone else like horrorcore ?
[02:12:21] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Howdy Darth top 40 for 1984
[02:13:54] <Darth (Coldfront)> yeah i know were doing 1984 tonight was just curious though if anyone else is as demented as me and likes horrorcore ....
[02:18:55] <Darth (Coldfront)> dead tonight .. anyway hey Coley and DR J hope your nights going well
[02:19:55] <DrJ (Coldfront)> very good for me I'm here playing the disks for you all
[02:22:28] <Darth (Coldfront)> oh yeah... oops _closes youtube_ i forgot this a radio station 2 sorry dont hate me
[02:23:13] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Naaa
[02:23:45] <Darth (Coldfront)> sunglasses at night aye lol xD
[02:24:04] <Darth (Coldfront)> damn even though i wasnt alive in 84 its music is still nastolgia to me
[02:42:52] <DrJ (Coldfront)> yes Sir Thank you for helping me
[02:44:42] <Darth (Coldfront)> read american idol reboot as american idiot robot xD
[02:45:04] <DrJ (Coldfront)> LOL
[02:45:32] <LTiger (STO)> good music tonight
[02:46:25] <Darth (Coldfront)> sherri met perry and had mary x.x
[02:46:33] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Hey LTiger good to hear from you:D
[02:48:08] <Darth (Coldfront)> will mary meet terry and have bary lmao
[02:48:26] <LTiger (STO)> lol ty listening to you while flyign the stars in STO
[02:49:25] <Darth (Coldfront)> guess my jokes arent funny
[02:49:36] <DrJ (Coldfront)> sounds fun!
[02:50:01] <DrJ (Coldfront)> naaa keep doing them
[02:53:16] <Darth (Coldfront)> what do you call a monkey that walks up right talks and dresses up ?
[02:54:35] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Wha do you call him
[02:54:46] <Darth (Coldfront)> science version of a human
[02:54:52] <DrJ (Coldfront)> lol
[02:56:20] <Darth (Coldfront)> or bigfoot which ever seems mor relivant
[02:56:42] <DrJ (Coldfront)> good old bigfoot
[03:00:46] <Darth (Coldfront)> 99 red ballons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[03:01:00] <Darth (Coldfront)> ffs been ages
[03:01:05] <DrJ (Coldfront)> roger roger that
[03:02:38] <Darth (Coldfront)> What does the Enterprise and Toliet paper have in common?
[03:03:28] <DrJ (Coldfront)> what?
[03:04:51] <Darth (Coldfront)> They both circle Uranus wiping out Klingons.
[03:05:06] <DrJ (Coldfront)> ugg
[03:06:52] <Darth (Coldfront)> i know horrible x.x
[03:07:02] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Barf
[03:07:13] <Darth (Coldfront)> Have you heard the new Klingon army motto?
[03:07:23] <DrJ (Coldfront)> no
[03:07:55] <Darth (Coldfront)> Join the Klingon army. Visit exotic planets, meet interesting people, and kill them!
[03:08:46] <DrJ (Coldfront)> sounds like the kingons
[03:09:25] <Darth (Coldfront)> What do you call it when that Strategic Operations Officer on DS9 runs as fast as he can?
[03:09:48] <DrJ (Coldfront)> a blob
[03:10:07] <Darth (Coldfront)> Worf Speed.
[03:10:23] <DrJ (Coldfront)> lol
[03:11:17] <Darth (Coldfront)> How many Romulans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
[03:11:29] <DrJ (Coldfront)> 1
[03:11:49] <Darth (Coldfront)> ONE HUNDRED FIFTY_ONE: One to screw the light bulb in, and 150 to self-destruct the ship out of disgrace.
[03:12:53] <Darth (Coldfront)> How many Borg does it take to change a light-bulb?
[03:13:13] <DrJ (Coldfront)> one cube
[03:13:21] <Darth (Coldfront)> All of them!
[03:13:29] <DrJ (Coldfront)> lol
[03:14:21] <Darth (Coldfront)> How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb?
[03:14:43] <DrJ (Coldfront)> you did that one
[03:15:18] <Darth (Coldfront)> TWO: One to screw it in, and one to stab the other in the back and take all of the credit.
[03:15:32] <DrJ (Coldfront)> lol
[03:15:44] <Darth (Coldfront)> first was romulan then borg now klingon xD
[03:17:13] <Darth (Coldfront)> Have you read the book "Damn it Jim"?
[03:17:29] <DrJ (Coldfront)> no is it good?
[03:17:51] <Darth (Coldfront)> It's by: Ima Doctor and Nada Bricklayer.
[03:18:02] <DrJ (Coldfront)> LOL
[03:21:49] <DrJ (Coldfront)> OK Coley be safe
[03:22:27] <Darth (Coldfront)> Sarek and Amanda were dating Amanda was patiently waiting For signs of romance Soft words, a slow dance What she got was an efficiency rating
[03:22:27] <Darth (Coldfront)> safe travels coley
[03:23:00] <DrJ (Coldfront)> sounds boring
[03:27:53] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Howdy Commander
[03:29:23] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> evening dr j
[03:30:40] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> i actually had one of those d-50 trucks
[03:31:24] <Darth (Coldfront)> You Might Be A Trekkie If! your fantasy includes Lt. Uhura sitting on the edge of your bed saying "Hailing frequencies open"... you've ever been in a fist fight over who is better Captain Picard or Captain Kirk... you think that Captain Janeway is sexier than Princess Leia... your screen saver says "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated"...
[03:32:50] <Darth (Coldfront)> you find yourself in a jam and say "Scotty, beam me up!"... you believe that Ross Perot owns a copy of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition... you believe Ross Perot is a Ferengi...
[03:33:17] <Darth (Coldfront)> someone says good morning to you and you answer "Ka Plah!"... you know the proper Vulcan greeting and response... your girlfriend tells you "it's either me or Star Trek!" and you wave good-bye... you think Hillary Clinton would look good in Lt. Uhura's uniform... you wrote in James T. Kirk for President with running mate Pavel Chekov...
[03:33:43] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> ross perot is a ferengi, they didn't have the ability to cover those ears back then like they would today
[03:34:09] <Darth (Coldfront)> you walk into your kitchen and look for a replicator... you think Kahless will come back before Jesus Christ... you can tell the difference between a Vulcan and a Romulan... you can name all the people who have ever been captain of the Enterprise... you think Q-Tips is a self-help book written by a certain Star Trek villain...
[03:34:30] <DrJ (Coldfront)> love it
[03:34:36] <Darth (Coldfront)> you have the Klingon version of Hooked on Phonics... you find a hairball and think it's a Tribble... you believe there is an alternate universe where you are captain of the Enterprise... you learned to pick up women by watching Captain Kirk... you keep flipping open your cell phone hoping to get a communique from Scotty...
[03:34:48] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> aww q-tips isn't a book? :P
[03:35:14] <Darth (Coldfront)> you here someone say "he's an enterprising young man," and you look for his communicator... you get in your car and say engage... you believe George Lucas is the Anti-Christ...
[03:38:12] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> lucas is. i thought that was debunked years ago
[03:38:35] <Darth (Coldfront)> lol
[03:39:05] <Darth (Coldfront)> love startrek and all things scifi but i hate sacraliage
[03:39:40] <Darth (Coldfront)> example a klingon holding a lightsaber plz kill the maker
[03:40:21] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> better not let deyvid see that comment, darth, :D
[03:40:57] <Darth (Coldfront)> why he likes klingons holding lightsaber cause i dont
[03:42:13] <Darth (Coldfront)> klingons use batlifh and phasers only ty very much or that knife idk the name of
[03:42:42] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> bat'leth
[03:42:54] <Darth (Coldfront)> not a lightsaber ffs and to think ive seen action figures of it holding a lightsaber
[03:43:43] <Darth (Coldfront)> makes me want to use a bat'leth on the developer
[03:44:56] <Darth (Coldfront)> anyone else agree
[03:45:27] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> i've got a friend that makes bat'leths sharpened edges and all
[03:50:41] <Darth (Coldfront)> gimme :P
[03:54:02] <Darth (Coldfront)> https://www.facebook.com/TrekRadioOfficial/
[03:54:14] <Darth (Coldfront)> give us some love :P
[03:54:29] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Thank you Sir
[03:55:24] <Darth (Coldfront)> ofc lol been around here since 2010
[04:01:25] <Darth (Coldfront)> risa around still ? what times her show havent heard it in a while
[04:02:33] <DrJ (Coldfront)> yes she is right after me on Terra Nova with Deyvid and Risa:D
[04:02:36] <Darth (Coldfront)> nvm 12 am xD
[04:04:01] <Darth (Coldfront)> https://twitter.com/TrekRadio
[04:04:11] <Darth (Coldfront)> give us some love :P
[04:05:22] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Far Out! Thank You!!!
[04:06:25] <Darth (Coldfront)> np i love this place its been the only escape ive really had from reality best company best music and startrek related cant get better than that
[04:07:14] <DrJ (Coldfront)> thank you for that you can tell Risa that on terra nova
[04:08:35] <Darth (Coldfront)> ill be up and on all night so sure not like i have anything better to do lolo
[04:09:45] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> i leave twittering to the animal that's best at it. the birds
[04:11:38] <Darth (Coldfront)> pizza and spicy chicken sandwich with hot and spicy potato chips and mtn rush (genaric mtn dew from shasta company)
[04:12:06] <DrJ (Coldfront)> I'm Hungry
[04:12:32] <dafydd68 (STO)> for what?
[04:12:47] <Darth (Coldfront)> me to why im eating / drinking that
[04:14:08] <Darth (Coldfront)> my pizza stuck to my sandwitch -facepalm-
[04:15:15] <dafydd68 (STO)> just as long as you let go of the pizza before facepalming
[04:15:42] <Darth (Coldfront)> that wouldnt be funny tho
[04:16:38] <Darth (Coldfront)> new term to pizza face xD
[04:17:01] <dafydd68 (STO)> lol
[04:18:02] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> pizza face, isn't that pizza the hits counsin from spaceballs? :P
[04:18:22] <Darth (Coldfront)> whats better pizza flavored taco or taco flavored pizza
[04:19:02] <Darth (Coldfront)> lol Dukath
[04:19:36] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> boy was that comment full of typos. damm i hate those
[04:20:04] <DrJ (Coldfront)> lol me too
[04:20:39] <Darth (Coldfront)> no ones perfect all that matter is we understand it lol
[04:21:01] <DrJ (Coldfront)> true just havin fun
[04:22:15] <Darth (Coldfront)> downside to long hair gets in your food n mouth then you end up spiting out your food -sad face_
[04:24:39] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> time to pull it back in a braid then
[04:24:51] <Darth (Coldfront)> btw u have the entier dj list for this week? curious whos all
[04:25:08] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> hair will just give you a couple more calories
[04:25:20] <DrJ (Coldfront)> no they have not told me
[04:26:02] <Darth (Coldfront)> ok np and hair can swell up to the size of your pinky and clog your bowels
[04:26:29] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> ah nothing a good enema can't cure
[04:26:42] <Darth (Coldfront)> lmao
[04:27:37] <Darth (Coldfront)> damn its bad when your sober from not smoking and it hurts to eat
[04:28:23] <Durzan20 (STO)> so find some liquified thc
[04:28:36] <Darth (Coldfront)> oh i wish
[04:28:55] <Durzan20 (STO)> or cook some up in peanut butter like i do with ditch weed
[04:29:05] <Darth (Coldfront)> ive been sober for days it sucks especially all the pain you feel
[04:29:09] <Durzan20 (STO)> peanut butter with oil :)
[04:29:27] <Durzan20 (STO)> easy to swallow
[04:29:47] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> only reason thc isn't legal is because it would put the pharma companies out of business
[04:29:50] <Darth (Coldfront)> interesting how would you make that ?
[04:31:03] <Darth (Coldfront)> i know of the alcohol method for dabs or wax but wats this peanutbutter thing
[04:32:14] <Darth (Coldfront)> ststes made it recreational so in was is legal just not federalally cause there gay no offense
[04:32:25] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Hey Altiren_onIphone joined #trekradio
[04:33:33] <Darth (Coldfront)> but thats the feds keep all the goodies for them selfs i mean protect the public
[04:33:34] <Altiren_onIphone (Coldfront)> Good evening doc.
[04:33:56] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> i've got family and friends that use it, but i don't , and they all know not to use it around me. i also try to stay away from doctors and their overprescribed meds.
[04:34:40] <Durzan20 (STO)> when i become arch overlord, nobody will be allowed to step outside thier house without consuming thc
[04:34:52] <Darth (Coldfront)> its not legal cause it cure cancer >.>
[04:35:09] <Durzan20 (STO)> one of many, many reasons
[04:35:52] <Darth (Coldfront)> endless list really not to mention dosent kill so why reales it to the public no population controll
[04:36:07] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> i have a friend in florida who uses the thc oil because he has those gran mal seizures.
[04:36:15] <Durzan20 (STO)> i think the world will be a far better place when the only thing people who go outside want to assault is a cheeseburger
[04:36:32] <Durzan20 (STO)> everyone would drive slower, be more patient
[04:36:36] <Durzan20 (STO)> win win
[04:36:40] <Darth (Coldfront)> and ice cream and food
[04:37:15] <Darth (Coldfront)> not to mention the peace that would happen itd make us all to lazy to fight xD
[04:37:30] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> that would be teh time to have a chain of restaurants, if weed was legal, you'd make a killing from all the starving masses
[04:37:31] <Durzan20 (STO)> hard to fight with a fully belly. thats naptime
[04:38:07] <Darth (Coldfront)> or get the really good stuff n take one hit n ur passed out
[04:38:38] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> we will al start dressing and looking like cheech and chong :D
[04:38:54] <Darth (Coldfront)> yeah man
[04:39:00] <Darth (Coldfront)> lol get it
[04:39:10] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> far out man..
[04:39:47] <Darth (Coldfront)> daves not here man
[04:40:10] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> just stay off the game shows, you might meet officer omalady from the fbi
[04:40:46] <Durzan20 (STO)> i was watching a new show on viceland called slutever
[04:40:58] <Darth (Coldfront)> only omalay i know is from red vs blue xD
[04:41:04] <Durzan20 (STO)> apparently they now have THC lubricants which are awesome for women
[04:41:23] <Durzan20 (STO)> does not get them high, but its a vaso dilator, so its basicly like viagra
[04:41:57] <Darth (Coldfront)> numbs it a bit and more arousal for femal stimulation
[04:42:13] <Darth (Coldfront)> guessing here idfk
[04:46:56] <altiren (Coldfront)> back, decided to switch to the PC.
[04:47:22] <altiren (Coldfront)> about.
[04:47:48] <altiren (Coldfront)> Oh, nope, sorry.
[04:49:39] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> wow that font is hard to read, darth
[04:52:26] <DrJ (Coldfront)> better
[04:53:50] <DrJ (Coldfront)> lol
[04:54:16] <DrJ (Coldfront)> np
[04:58:32] <DrJ (Coldfront)> yes
[05:00:57] <DrJ (Coldfront)> it's on the Bill board top 40 for 1983 as #1
[05:01:07] <DrJ (Coldfront)> 1984
[05:03:26] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Terra Nova next
[05:08:45] <kazumigata (STO)> what about Discord?
[05:09:57] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> dammit that's twice in as many days my browser has crashed at random
[05:13:59] <Kaz (Coldfront)> I missed the Discord info
[05:15:02] <DrJ (Coldfront)> I can hear you altiren
[05:15:10] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> i'm up to about 5'7 " i was almost 5'8 at one point
[05:16:20] <Kaz (Coldfront)> and to answer your question Deyvid, had a good Knights of Columbus event tonight
[05:23:40] <Kaz (Coldfront)> give me the infor to gt on the voice paart please
[05:24:05] <kazumigata (STO)> The Knights are not like the Maisons Risa
[05:25:23] <kazumigata (STO)> Maisons are not like the Knights
[05:30:24] <altiren (Coldfront)> mmhmm.
[05:35:24] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> well if the dabo table was rigged, i'm sure you did lose alot of gpl
[05:54:36] <altiren (Coldfront)> kind of cheeting, laying back with a second keyboard plugged into my main one.
[05:55:40] <Darth (Coldfront)> lol
[05:56:04] <Darth (Coldfront)> im using a keyboard on a laptop so kinda same
[05:56:29] <LTiger (STO)> best none cheat is a wireless keyboard that you can have anywhere to type
[05:58:31] <altiren (Coldfront)> Ah, cool.
[06:08:06] <Darth (Coldfront)> no spoliers
[06:08:27] <Darth (Coldfront)> im only on episode 4
[06:36:03] <Darth (Coldfront)> internet sux.. i missed part of the show -sad face-
[06:44:29] <Darth (Coldfront)> anyone need a screenn recorder wiith no ads or watermarks completly free?
[06:45:25] <Darth (Coldfront)> https://www.ispringsolutions.com/ispring-free-cam
[06:51:21] <Darth (Coldfront)> https://www.facebook.com/TrekRadioOfficial/
[06:51:52] <Darth (Coldfront)> https://twitter.com/TrekRadio
[06:52:01] <Darth (Coldfront)> give us love :P
[06:52:12] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> http://twitch.tv/TrekRadioOfficial :)
[06:52:42] <Darth (Coldfront)> ^ ty deyvid
[07:03:12] <Darth (Coldfront)> best radio station ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07:03:22] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Thanks!!! Qapla'
[07:06:15] <Darth (Coldfront)> funny
[07:07:00] <Darth (Coldfront)> im 22 i graduated high school at 17 and lifes been shit ive been homless since 6 so for my age im mature xD
[07:10:16] <Darth (Coldfront)> people think lifes so easy but its not life is the hardest thing youll ever do
[07:11:15] <Darth (Coldfront)> take it from someone whos been suicadal his entier life life is not easy or fun and trust me you think it is your wrong
[07:15:43] <Darth (Coldfront)> who needs that when the goverment is always watching you and sees everything you do
[07:16:21] <Darth (Coldfront)> rick and morty proved that only place not survalinced is the oval office
[07:21:02] <Darth (Coldfront)> no subs on youtube so i subed
[07:21:05] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_XLExB_wyc
[07:22:24] <RandomAK (Coldfront)> Drone
[07:23:58] <Darth (Coldfront)> where u chat the most obviously the irc is dead...
[07:24:15] <RandomAK (Coldfront)> lol
[07:26:46] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> lol
[07:27:37] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Lots of people have either stopped using IRC as their main chat platform
[07:27:49] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> and lots of younger people have never even heard of IRC
[07:28:06] <RandomAK (Coldfront)> Discord sems to be the rising platform
[07:28:19] <Darth (Coldfront)> true irc originated from web tv
[07:28:22] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> yeah, and we're transitioning to Discord
[07:28:52] <Darth (Coldfront)> is that mobile based only?
[07:29:21] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> No, Discord is cross-platform, it's web-based, there's a desktop app, and mobile apps
[07:29:22] <LTiger (STO)> no you can use Discord on the PC as a program
[07:29:27] <Rolan (Coldfront)> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOiI0yChkiI&feature=youtu.be
[07:29:28] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> that all link and use the same account
[07:31:27] <Darth (Coldfront)> eew exe files
[07:31:49] <Darth (Coldfront)> ..... i miss windows
[07:32:54] <RandomAK (Coldfront)> your mike is off Deyvid
[07:34:14] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> yeah I had to sneeze a few times
[07:35:46] <LTiger (STO)> yea you can use it via the discord website
[07:35:54] <LTiger (STO)> i do that on my tablet
[07:36:18] <LTiger (STO)> since Amazon doesnt hav ethe app on there app store
[07:41:49] <Darth (Coldfront)> link plz
[07:48:03] <LTiger (STO)> what link you need Darth'
[07:48:15] <Darth (Coldfront)> whats the room on discored ?
[07:48:35] <LTiger (STO)> the link for discord is http://discord.gg
[07:49:00] <LTiger (STO)> not sure about the server info for Trekradio
[07:49:18] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> https://discord.gg/CGmzJn
[07:49:22] <LTiger (STO)> as i dont have it since i didnt know they possible had one till tonight
[07:49:23] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> try that
[07:50:49] <Darth (Coldfront)> ^^
[07:50:51] <Darth (Coldfront)> ty deyvid n lt
[07:51:31] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> the link I posted is a temporary link that will expire in 24 hours
[07:51:42] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> once you join you'll stay joined but that link will expire in 24 hours
[07:51:50] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> we have a permanent link
[07:52:13] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> This is our permanent link https://discord.gg/GjvTa9Q
[07:52:19] <Darth (Coldfront)> in no permission to chat tho
[07:53:10] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> The welcome chat is not for chatting, jump into the #General-Chat channel
[07:53:43] <Darth (Coldfront)> xD did