Tuesday, February 13, 2018
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Welcome to Trek Radio (http://www.trekradio.net).

Is a DJ on the air? Post your song requests & they will play it soon!

* Currently airing song: type @trcurrent in the chat room
* Follow us on Twitter: @trekradio
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* In Game Channel: trekradio.net

-- Powered by Echo1 relay lines. Note that relayed users (the tagged ones e.g. << Torenn (Coldfront) >> are unable to receive private messages as they're Holoprojections from other places and not "physically" here.)

[01:52:32] <Coley (Coldfront)> Drj it's DrJ
[01:53:41] <DrJ (Coldfront)> HowdyColey
[01:55:24] <Coley (Coldfront)> Tune
[01:55:42] <Coley (Coldfront)> Chase is my Favorite Star Trek Lady
[01:57:02] <Coley (Coldfront)> latnum is a girl's best friend
[02:00:33] <Coley (Coldfront)> tune
[02:00:51] <DrJ (Coldfront)> the start
[02:01:16] <Coley (Coldfront)> Playing Civ 6 Rise and Fall and listening to DrJ on Trek Radio before work woo
[02:01:34] <DrJ (Coldfront)> very cool
[02:03:48] <Coley (Coldfront)> this is my generation I was 7 and was music crazy so most if not all of these songs will be my jam
[02:04:42] <DrJ (Coldfront)> all right just for you Coley!! rock out
[02:05:53] <Coley (Coldfront)> I have 90 minutes before I leave for work so this is great
[02:10:20] <Coley (Coldfront)> this is so fun
[02:10:59] <Coley (Coldfront)> Wrath of Khan Favorite Movie of all time Came out in 1982
[02:11:46] <DrJ (Coldfront)> very true one of my fav's that was really back to star trek
[02:12:39] <Durzan20 (STO)> night leonard nimoy died my roommates found me at 3am in the middle of wrath of khan 3/4 through a bottle of whiskey, balling, covered in snot
[02:12:47] <Durzan20 (STO)> uncharacteristic for me hehe
[02:13:12] <Coley (Coldfront)> i would have been right there with you
[02:13:22] <DrJ (Coldfront)> wow that sounds like me when leanard died
[02:14:07] <Durzan20 (STO)> anyway cant stay have a good one trekradio
[02:14:49] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Duzan have a great night thank tou for stopping in
[02:15:47] <Coley (Coldfront)> Tune
[02:18:33] <Coley (Coldfront)> i'll be back
[02:28:19] <Coley (Coldfront)> TUNE
[02:40:52] <Coley (Coldfront)> so good
[02:43:05] <Coley (Coldfront)> more cowbell lol
[02:43:20] <DrJ (Coldfront)> cool
[02:44:49] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Hey Redshirt6
[02:44:56] <Redshirt6 (Coldfront)> hi
[02:45:50] <Redshirt6 (Coldfront)> I hope echo one is feeling well !
[02:46:10] <DrJ (Coldfront)> it is up and running!
[02:46:33] <Redshirt6 (Coldfront)> I have alot of concerns about its welfare here
[02:47:39] <Redshirt6 (Coldfront)> don;t look at me that way !
[03:04:15] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> getby but not getting high or any strange
[03:04:27] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> getting
[03:05:05] <DrJ (Coldfront)> lol welcome
[03:22:06] <Coley (Coldfront)> Willie
[03:23:08] <Coley (Coldfront)> TUNE
[03:23:24] <DrJ (Coldfront)> hold your Honey
[03:30:21] <Coley (Coldfront)> have to go to work have a great night thanks for the fun show!!
[04:01:39] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> hi ho hi ho, who wants some extra snow?
[04:01:40] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Big Howdy Commander!
[04:02:12] <DrJ (Coldfront)> to cold
[04:04:16] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> snowed here enough this morning to cause slick roads, and activate inner stupidity when driving , but it's gone for the most part in this area tonight
[04:16:15] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> Great movie
[04:16:41] <DrJ (Coldfront)> loved it
[04:16:58] <DrJ (Coldfront)> everyone is quiet tonight
[04:17:23] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> Playing World of Tanks and trying not to die
[04:17:57] <DrJ (Coldfront)> sounds like world of war ships try not to die
[04:18:16] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> LOL for sure GI
[04:18:17] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> vangelis ?
[04:18:43] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> the song scroller is not working again
[04:20:43] <DrJ (Coldfront)> thats the one, yes its not working sorry Mighty Mundane working on it
[04:44:44] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> Loved this video on MTV
[04:45:27] <DrJ (Coldfront)> I did not think MTV would be a hit . Boy was I wrong
[04:45:51] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> To bad it's still not like that
[04:46:09] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> there was a Country video channel too
[04:46:33] <DrJ (Coldfront)> they dont have any bands it's all electronic
[04:48:30] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Howdy slk1
[04:48:54] <slk1 (Coldfront)> ladies halfpipe usa gold chn s usa b
[04:49:30] <DrJ (Coldfront)> very cool shawn white took first on his first run
[04:50:19] <slk1 (Coldfront)> chloe kim
[04:50:38] <DrJ (Coldfront)> roger that gold
[04:54:16] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> Joan was hot back then
[04:55:24] <slk1 (Coldfront)> can 7 t 2 g 4 s 1 b \ usa t 6 g 3 s 1 b 2
[04:57:30] <slk1 (Coldfront)> olympis tol
[04:57:59] <DrJ (Coldfront)> loved this time error
[05:02:41] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> great show thanks
[05:03:08] <slk1 (Coldfront)> night
[05:07:31] <Ponfarr (Coldfront)> later all Keep on treking
[05:09:02] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Terra Nova will be on in a minute
[05:11:28] <DrJ (Coldfront)> loud and clear
[05:15:52] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> IRC
[05:15:59] <Deyvid (STO)> STO
[05:23:48] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> basically no trolling
[05:29:38] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> giving some respect is the best way to get it returned,
[05:34:35] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> most stores have a sign, no shirt, no shoes, no service,
[05:43:55] <DrJ (Coldfront)> Shawn White just scored over 98 on second run
[05:44:40] <DrJ (Coldfront)> I see no dip shit here lol
[06:21:50] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/12/17004084/winter-olympics-pyeongchang-robot-ski-tournament
[06:27:35] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Did the IPs change? I can't connect through winap, it took me a while to figure trying the site!
[06:56:40] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> space invaders
[06:59:55] <kingchrono (Coldfront)> ┬┬─┐┌─┐ ┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐┌┐┌┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐ ┌─┐┬─┐┌─┐
[06:59:59] <kingchrono (Coldfront)> │├┬┘│ └─┐│ │├─┘├┤ ├┬┘│││├┤ │ └─┐ │ │├┬┘│ ┬
[07:00:04] <kingchrono (Coldfront)> ┴┴└─└─┘o└─┘└─┘┴ └─┘┴└─┘└┘└─┘ ┴ └─┘o└─┘┴└─└─┘
[07:00:35] <kingchrono (Coldfront)> Parttimechampion CommanderDukath Deyvid DrJ MightyBOB Echo1
[07:01:07] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> what the hell was that all about ?
[07:01:23] <DrJ (Coldfront)> ???
[07:01:41] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> that king chrono thing
[07:01:50] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> no idea
[07:02:02] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> spammer?
[07:02:12] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> looks like it.
[07:02:26] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> it didn't even line up right so I couldn't read what was supposed to say
[07:06:33] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> i think the lotr movies had extra scenes who did interviews with andy c
[07:07:25] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Serkis
[07:08:56] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> that's one of the reasons the last fantastic four movie bombed, the people involved in making it wanted to screw with the lineup, and that turned alot of fans away
[07:10:25] <CommanderDukath (Coldfront)> most of the time the so called movie critics that get paid for their opinions , really don't know shit about their subject material
[07:11:08] <DrJ (Coldfront)> loved ant man
[07:39:56] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Thanks for the show, J and Dey. :)
[07:40:05] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Qapla'
[21:56:55] <Torenn> @restart
[21:56:55] <Echo1> Relay system is being restarted in 10 seconds...
[21:57:42] <Torenn> @resync
[21:58:59] <Torenn> @op
[21:58:59] <Echo1> Torenn: Done.
[21:59:22] <Torenn> @resync