Monday, December 28, 2020
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[02:48:05] <Suval> Ato!
[02:48:32] <atomos> Ahoy thar MightyBOB & Suval o/
[02:49:27] <MightyBOB> Yes, it me.
[02:50:05] <Suval> o7 @MightyBOB
[02:50:10] <MightyBOB> :D
[02:50:15] <Suval> hope you've had a great holiday
[02:53:49] <MightyBOB> Had a nice long present-opening zoom call with my sister
[02:54:12] <Suval> awesome!
[02:54:40] <MightyBOB> And mum made some baller apple crisp pie.
[02:57:28] <Suval> yum
[03:08:48] <atomos> Ahh nice, almost went with a cisp myself this year :D
[03:36:44] <Suval> Ato, so you know Diamondback-zeroone is a good friend of mine
[03:37:10] <Suval> been trying to get him to listen in
[04:03:15] <atomos> Right on, figured ya know em :D
[04:03:27] <atomos> Glad they made it for this show
[04:31:10] <Suval> Hanz Zimmer is a musical genius. loving the show so far.
[04:37:51] <atomos> Ahh ya no kidding, hes been doing great soundtracks for a long time and you can tell
[06:03:41] <Suval> Great show Boss, and thank you for giving my friend a warm welcome.
[06:04:30] <Suval> I'l be around for a little bit on Tuesday night as well.
[06:04:35] <Suval> *I'll
[06:29:13] <atomos> Thanks again MightyBOB and Suval o7
[06:29:37] <MightyBOB> cya!
[06:29:46] <atomos> Indeed