Monday, January 13, 2020
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[02:38:23] <Kaz> Greetings Suval
[02:38:29] <Suval> heya Kaz
[02:40:52] <Kaz> I had to leave ESO to help my brother, nephew and Niece in Final Fantasy 14 ( I like that game more than Elder Scrolls Online)
[02:41:32] <Suval> I was in ESO earlier lol
[02:42:08] <Kaz> its not a bad game, just the play style is different
[02:42:39] <Suval> agreed
[02:43:19] <Kaz> also I will not be near to listen to Atomos' show tonight, I have an early start tomorrow
[02:43:48] <Kaz> and before I call it a night I'll most likely be afk alot
[03:00:24] <Suval> all good. enjoy FF14
[03:19:56] <Suval> heya Alt
[03:24:05] <Kaz> I'm out, see ya's on the flip side
[03:24:12] <Suval> later Kaz
[03:25:29] <Altiren_onIphone> Hello, not actually typing on my IPhone, I got a lightning to USSB cable, so guess what that means, I can hook an USB keyboard to this device at any time. Also got a Nintendo switch light. Which is pretty cool.
[03:25:53] <Suval> oh very cool
[03:27:59] <Altiren_onIphone> Ah, okay.
[03:28:46] <Redshirt3> o7
[03:28:50] <atomos> Welcome to the Harmless Content Transmission!!
[03:40:59] <atomos> Willkommen one and all!
[03:59:14] <atomos> Ahoy thar Jungsutee! Welcome aboard :)
[04:06:55] <atomos> Welcome aboard Altiren_oniphone :)
[04:07:06] <Altiren_onIphone> Going to swap here because it is more easier to manage.
[04:07:56] <atomos> Understand, thanks for hanging out and listening tonight
[04:08:55] <Altiren_onIphone> I’ll get on discord if I want to use the laptop from now on.
[04:52:14] <Altiren_onIphone> Was finally able to go onto the Discord Settings, now what do I do, notifications? Please be aware that I am using the iPhone client of the app.
[06:19:13] <atomos> Thanks for supporting the shows everyone, its been a lot of fun :)
[06:23:59] <atomos> Take care all, will see you soon!