Tuesday, September 10, 2019
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[04:30:27] <grismunk#0565> I tell them that's what it's like for me when they talk sports.
[04:30:45] <Deyvid> lol
[04:33:52] <grismunk#0565> I live halfway between Philly and Pittsburgh. So dpne with it.
[04:36:26] <BLIND> well my boyfriend is a yankee fan and I will scream GO RED SOX just to make him mad
[04:38:14] <BLIND> I would like to drive just to see how many times I go airborne
[04:38:37] <grismunk#0565> I like driving around Vice City listening to the radio.
[04:39:35] <BLIND> what was the grand theft auto that had it where people got in trouble because it showed a rape scean
[04:41:23] <grismunk#0565> The Establishing Shot is becoming a lost art.
[04:41:28] <summerwolfe> Hot Coffee
[04:44:48] <grismunk#0565> I think there's still loading screens when you change quadrants
[04:46:21] <grismunk#0565> Or how resource gathering in EVE Online turns into an actual job.
[04:48:19] <grismunk#0565> I think there's a difference between realism and immersion.
[04:49:07] <Deyvid> yeah, and sometimes they can overlap but can be completely separate
[04:49:20] <BLIND> they do if they have a hole in the tank
[04:50:30] <grismunk#0565> WoW cooking got me into baking for real.
[04:52:09] <grismunk#0565> "Warrior Needs Food"
[04:58:38] <grismunk#0565> I played an old space station sim where you had to tell your astronauts to go to the bathroom
[05:01:22] <grismunk#0565> Populous?
[05:01:40] <grismunk#0565> Populace, that is to day
[05:01:48] <grismunk#0565> say, even
[05:09:44] <grismunk#0565> My bird jumped on the keyboard and ran me off the Alliance Gunship and I died graveyard dead
[05:11:06] <grismunk#0565> Engineers could get a parachute cloak
[05:11:15] <grismunk#0565> Mages get slow fall
[05:11:33] <grismunk#0565> Thought priests got levitate
[05:18:32] <grismunk#0565> In Secret World you wind up floating above the chair.
[05:20:12] <grismunk#0565> I like in Star Trek I can open the shutters in K-13. Strange things make me happy.
[05:21:55] <grismunk#0565> Falling under Stormwind
[05:24:23] <grismunk#0565> The blood plague.
[05:24:55] <grismunk#0565> It's become a case study in epidemiology.
[05:28:20] <grismunk#0565> There's a reason no one's pushing a Tax Accounting Sim.
[05:31:09] <BLIND> my boyfriend Just said a sports game that is very realistic is Blitz the League where it shows injury like a sholder ripping out of socket
[05:32:06] <grismunk#0565> Arma...that's a bit too realistic.
[05:33:26] <grismunk#0565> That comes back to immersion vs realism.
[15:25:04] <RobMR3> Good morning, Trek Radio.