Saturday, June 22, 2019
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[01:21:16] <BLIND> I killed another redshirt
[01:22:47] <Maximo28> This is Coley's in game "Stop Killing the Redshirts Blind"!!
[01:24:22] <Maximo28> Tune I love this song
[01:31:53] <BLIND> well maximo28 I will tell the emh you live the song
[01:32:15] <BLIND> but but it is fun to kill the redshirts
[01:33:15] <BLIND> I just put them on the ship with hick and lock there quarters doors
[01:34:08] <BLIND> I need a mini fridge next to my desk or train the cat to fetch water
[01:36:25] <BLIND> Just a reminder at the top of the hour the Continuum Café will be having the Trek Radio premiere of a long-lost Freddie Mercury song. The song has never been released to the public until now. Then we will be doing the top 24 billboard songs of all time.
[01:44:29] <Maximo28> that would be cool
[02:04:44] <BLIND> now you all have to tell me what you think
[02:10:21] <BLIND> I am so glad I could get it and play it for you all
[02:15:25] <BLIND> I have a feeling you will be tuning all night lol
[02:38:41] <BLIND> I killed another redshirt dang it
[02:42:30] <BLIND> do I have coodies
[03:15:09] <BLIND> glad you like
[03:24:22] <BLIND> ty
[03:24:41] <BLIND> so what does everyone want for next week
[03:25:44] <BLIND> friday is not the weekend lol
[03:28:03] <BLIND> I know it is the friday before the forth of july so we will do Patriotic songs
[03:30:08] <BLIND> I think I can find a countdown somewere
[03:52:17] <DrJ> Roger That !!! top 25 1973
[04:02:34] <DrJ> thank you coming up
[04:05:02] <BLIND> ty
[04:06:10] <BLIND> my cat just ran into the wall
[04:06:30] <BLIND> he is making me throw his mouse toy
[04:06:41] <BLIND> and does not know how to stop
[04:13:51] <BLIND> omg I love this
[04:14:07] <DrJ> yeah its cool
[04:14:37] <BLIND> I cant stop lauging
[04:14:49] <DrJ> LOL
[04:14:57] <BLIND> I am crying I am laughing so hard
[04:25:38] <BLIND> omg love this song
[04:32:38] <DrJ> Knockers up!
[04:45:36] <BLIND> small pokers big everything else
[04:50:41] <BLIND> wb
[04:51:52] <BLIND> I dont know if I want to see grandmas tatoos they might make me sick
[04:52:05] <DrJ> lol
[04:52:20] <Berryella> lol
[04:52:51] <DrJ> Al Right Berryella
[04:53:08] <Berryella> :)
[04:54:01] <quickmorays> turn yourself all around... that's what it's all about
[04:54:27] <DrJ> Hockey Pokey?
[04:54:54] <quickmorays> saw the name and thought of that
[04:55:07] <Berryella> yeah he's my Jem Hadar
[04:55:28] <Berryella> he has all these horns in his face so I thought they must be "Pokey"
[04:55:38] <Berryella> so I named him Hokey'Pokey
[04:56:04] <DrJ> very cool
[04:56:43] <Berryella> hehe thanks...try to have fun with my characters in game
[04:58:46] <Berryella> lol
[04:59:58] <Berryella> *Passes the lembas bread*
[05:00:36] <Berryella> *dances*
[05:00:54] <DrJ> :D:D
[05:01:33] <Berryella> That's what it's all about!
[05:01:50] <DrJ> how true lol
[05:02:03] <Berryella> *giggles*
[05:04:04] <DrJ> just love these songs
[05:05:38] <Berryella> *cracking up*
[05:06:12] <DrJ> Cool thats what I love to do make every one feel good
[05:23:33] <BLIND> mr slock
[05:23:37] <BLIND> mr lu lu
[05:23:51] <Berryella> lol @ "Aint I sumthin'
[05:24:02] <BLIND> hello berryella
[05:24:24] <Berryella> hello Blind I'm afraid I missed your show
[05:25:02] <BLIND> ok you have go set in the corner for you punishment
[05:30:33] <BLIND> lol jk berryella
[05:31:02] <Berryella> *pets a bunny
[05:31:02] <DrJ> bunny bunny bunnies
[05:41:40] <BLIND> lol the garbage
[05:43:04] <BLIND> whos on first
[05:43:18] <DrJ> correct
[05:44:53] <BLIND> this is a classic
[05:47:03] <BLIND> was this in 1973
[05:47:24] <DrJ> yes #7
[05:48:35] <BLIND> my old man is laughing his butt off
[05:56:54] <BLIND> my cat is mad at you ... no cat or bird songs lol
[05:58:16] <BLIND> it sounds like my dog lol
[05:59:00] <BLIND> :D good song
[05:59:16] <DrJ> yes yes yes
[05:59:27] <DrJ> :D
[05:59:50] <BLIND> they dont have to take me TO the funny farm I already live there
[06:11:07] <Berryella> thanks for the show dr J
[06:11:21] <DrJ> Hope you all enjoyed the show