Wednesday, May 08, 2019
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[02:00:48] <DJ_BLIND> come join me for my version of hickatnite I will be filling in for the master of the news
[02:05:54] <Parttimechampion> Hi Blind, hi everyone!
[02:06:12] *Bazag stabs DJ_BLIND
[02:06:22] *Bazag stabs Parttimechampion
[02:09:09] <DJ_BLIND> so how did you like the rant ptc
[02:10:49] <DJ_BLIND> I will take the stabing
[02:11:03] <Bazag> I rated it C. Needed more stabbing.
[02:11:43] <DJ_BLIND> sorry you took my knives last time remember
[02:12:10] <Bazag> Fine
[02:13:16] *Bazag returns all daggers and gives DJ_BLIND additional daggers that are magically enchanted to work only when he's DJing.
[02:13:38] <Parttimechampion> Are you giving people the daggers you'll stab them with?
[02:13:47] <DJ_BLIND> I am a she
[02:14:42] <DJ_BLIND> only because Bazag does not want me to make him a subject of the soapbox
[02:14:56] <Bazag> Apologies
[02:18:35] <DJ_BLIND> I accept
[02:18:50] <DJ_BLIND> I had to play this song
[02:19:56] <Bazag> Heh
[02:33:50] <DJ_BLIND> I think we are all screwed up
[02:59:17] <atomos> Mean Green Mutha from outta space!
[02:59:32] <atomos> Ahoy thar gang!
[02:59:46] <Bazag> Yawn
[03:00:00] <Bazag> I r let tired
[03:05:18] *Parttimechampion stabs Bazag while vulnerable
[03:08:38] <Bazag> Damnit, I let you access my weak spot
[03:09:02] <DJ_BLIND> hello atomos welcome to the HICK does Hick@nite
[03:12:26] <Bazag> Well played DJ_BLIND
[03:12:39] <atomos> o7]
[03:12:54] <atomos> thanks again for covering DJ_BLIND :)
[03:12:58] <Durzan20> ahoy trekrradio
[03:13:10] <DJ_BLIND> np at least I had more then 30 min warning
[03:15:23] <Bazag> I'm a Millennial
[03:15:46] <Bazag> An older millennial, but still.
[03:16:04] <atomos> 1000 years does not count
[03:16:22] <Bazag> No comment
[03:18:22] <DJ_BLIND> roflmao
[03:20:31] <DJ_BLIND> blame atomos for this block lol
[03:20:50] <atomos> hehe oh ya?
[03:21:01] <DJ_BLIND> just wait lol
[03:21:23] <atomos> I was going to say the exact same thing :P
[03:21:36] <Bazag> No Bazjorans?
[03:22:01] <DJ_BLIND> no we just take klingongs
[03:23:38] <Bazag> Oh I can't believe it's taken this long but Klingons cling onto the starboard bow.
[03:24:23] <DJ_BLIND> welcome to the uss make shit up
[03:24:30] *Bazag headdesks
[03:27:09] <DJ_BLIND> like I said blame atomos he got me hooked on the band
[03:36:37] <atomos> tune
[03:42:11] <Parttimechampion> He'll be properly blames, yes.
[03:45:14] <Durzan20> I'm a toker!
[03:46:21] <atomos> Freak
[03:46:30] <atomos> Power
[03:46:34] <atomos> Now
[03:46:40] <atomos> ;)
[03:47:01] <Durzan20> not sure im that much of an anarchist but what the hell, at least we could have mescaline!
[03:47:20] <atomos> Righty-O!
[03:59:13] <atomos> Thanks again DJ_BLIND! Really appreciate you picking up the Hick@Nite show again, great job!
[03:59:21] <Durzan20> ty blind
[04:01:13] <DJ_BLIND> np
[04:02:34] <BLIND> your are all welcome
[04:02:46] <BLIND> brb
[04:03:36] <Parttimechampion> Thanks for the show, Blind, hi Ato!
[04:03:44] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Welcome one and all to the Harmless Content Transmission!!
[04:04:12] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> REMINDER: Harmless Content is a MATURE rated show so.... idk be MATURE?
[04:04:19] <BLIND> MAKE ME
[04:04:52] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> lol oh youll get yours :P
[04:04:57] <BLIND> hick must have gotten near buttons again
[04:05:53] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> lol ya
[04:09:59] <BLIND> I first heard the songs from you
[04:11:01] <BLIND> love it
[04:11:04] <BLIND> TUNE
[04:11:13] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> :D
[04:14:32] <Parttimechampion> So... I take it the klingon version of this video has them all dapperly dressed in Victorian haute couture.
[04:15:49] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> LOL would be a good idea to ask JEN next time shes on trekradio :D
[04:16:17] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> shed prolly be into it :D
[04:28:16] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Herbert!
[04:28:38] <Parttimechampion> Herbert!
[04:28:54] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> I reach PTC
[04:29:50] <kazumigata> Herbert you are stiff
[04:30:27] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Welcome aboard Kazumigata! I reach /_\
[04:39:29] <BLIND> how dare people decrimate against pigs
[04:43:06] <BLIND> I already did my soapbox rant
[04:43:19] <Durzan20> animal torture gambling vice
[04:43:21] <BLIND> at the beginng of the show
[04:43:56] <BLIND> no I live in Louisville where the derby is and I am pissed
[04:44:18] <grismunk#0565> I like mint juleps and I like hats.
[04:44:22] <Durzan20> the whole thing is pure evil
[04:44:44] <BLIND> so are a lot of things
[04:45:49] <BLIND> I know a lot of people that work at churchhill downs and the horses they work with are treated better then humans lol
[04:46:25] <grismunk#0565> episode 3.5?
[04:47:01] <Parttimechampion> Good to be seen!
[04:47:15] <BLIND> he gave me the knives so I could use them for future soapboxs
[04:47:43] <Durzan20> horses have very short lifespans, get stuffed full of steroids, have to be put down if they break a leg. horses are put down in horse racing all the fricking time
[04:48:02] <Durzan20> its just animal torture gambling vice disguised with rich finery
[04:48:23] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Helluva drunken party tho
[04:49:47] <Durzan20>
[04:51:51] <grismunk#0565> NASCAR seems civilized by comparison.
[04:53:17] <grismunk#0565> If we could do NASCAR with big hats and mint juleps...we could just cancel other sports.
[04:54:31] <grismunk#0565> Or not. I mean volleyball is fun.
[04:55:19] <Durzan20> btw for anyone that doesnt know : use an incognito or private window to read that link if you need to know that
[04:55:26] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Ive tried volleyball and juleps before, not so much at the same time is all im thinkin
[04:55:34] <Durzan20> NYT just decided to upgrade their paywall :(
[04:55:50] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> swine
[04:55:56] *Parttimechampion finds codes. Nukes Bazag's base
[04:56:11] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> there ya go PTC ;)
[04:59:51] <Bazag> I don't have a base I roam where I please.
[05:02:08] <Parttimechampion> Then whose base did I just nuke?
[05:03:46] <Bazag> Oh crap. That was my friend's base Totally Notme
[05:04:08] <Bazag> Sucked in ma dude
[05:33:28] <Parttimechampion> Enjoyments, they are being had.
[05:36:10] <Parttimechampion> Are you speaking over the accouncements?
[05:36:22] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> not anymore :D
[05:41:52] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> "And when you get blue, and youve lost all your dreams... theres nothing like a campfire and a CAN OF BEANS!!!!
[05:42:25] <Parttimechampion> So, FF XV?
[06:23:33] <Parttimechampion> There are speeches like that.
[06:23:46] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> many many
[06:41:39] <Parttimechampion> I so love this tune...
[06:41:48] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> ya
[06:42:46] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> brilliant arrangement
[06:45:21] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> It pairs well with the layout of the words in the next song
[06:47:40] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Nick Cave FTW!
[06:52:01] <Durzan20> nice
[06:52:11] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> ya thx
[06:56:35] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> and all of it belongs to you and me, so lets take a ride and see whats mine!
[06:57:27] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> so lets ride and ride and ride
[06:57:39] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> lala alala lala la la
[06:59:05] <Parttimechampion> Thanks for the show, Ato!
[07:02:47] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> So there was like this DJ.... he was kickin off... Idont know what he was doin....
[07:02:51] <Durzan20> lol Fatboy Slim!
[07:04:06] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> :D
[07:06:55] *Parttimechampion is advanced!
[07:07:17] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> and it will not stop, eva!
[07:07:35] <Parttimechampion> Perturbator!
[07:08:01] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> lol had to get it in there somehow ;)
[07:08:57] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> plus its a good closer :D
[07:10:27] <Parttimechampion> Indeed!
[07:10:44] <Parttimechampion> A shame his latest B sides album is not on Bandcamp. :(
[07:10:56] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> ya
[07:11:09] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> luckily theres tons of other stuff out there
[07:11:41] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> but i dont need one other thing.....
[07:11:50] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Oh i need THIS!!
[07:13:10] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Do do do do! Thanks again everyone for tuning into Harmless Content this evening!
[07:13:17] <Parttimechampion> Thanks for hosting it! :)
[07:13:22] <Parttimechampion> And sleep well when you do, everyone!
[07:13:42] <Durzan20> ty atomos
[07:14:10] <atomos> Sho no problem, thanks for tuning in
[07:14:53] <atomos> FYI the audible book verson of Rolling Stone is very well done ;)
[07:15:53] <atomos> been doing alot of long trips and gotta be careful at times because laughing so much :D
[07:16:10] <Durzan20> amazons audiobook?
[07:16:18] <atomos> Ya
[07:16:33] <Durzan20> never done an audiobook hrrm
[07:17:35] <Durzan20> that come with prime?
[07:17:42] <Durzan20> or seperate?
[07:17:53] <atomos> seperate
[07:18:16] <atomos> youd have to take a look at how the subscription works
[07:18:59] <Durzan20> i really should do that eh
[07:19:01] <atomos> I was skeptical at first but ended up picking up a bunch of books and listening to a few of them 2 and 3 times
[07:19:37] <atomos> funny thing i also found is that i seem to be more alert at the wheel than if i put on music
[07:19:40] <Durzan20> well ill take a look at it anyway :)
[07:19:55] <atomos> ya here ill pm you the link
[07:20:01] <Durzan20> if i were traveling i probably already woulda done it too :)
[07:20:57] <atomos> ya i downloaded them to my phone and ive found ill listen while doing things like laundry etc
[07:21:14] <Durzan20> i dont even have a smart phone :)
[07:21:33] <atomos> lol thompsons stuff i just cant stop listening to so ive been playing it while on the computer
[07:22:03] <Durzan20> yeah i may look into alternating audible with netflix/prime
[07:22:49] <atomos> ive found it real useful for books i want to read but are way down on the "have time to" list
[07:23:57] <atomos> the nice thing is that if you end your sub on audible you still own the books so you can download them whenever
[07:25:07] <atomos> in 6 months i had 6 books and ducked out for a few months then picked up 6 more.... etc
[07:25:57] <atomos> lol the Ready Player One book has already been cover to cover 5 times :D
[07:26:29] <atomos> I suspect the HST stuff i picked up will be much the same
[07:32:36] <atomos> Gotta roll.... Take care everyone, see ya soon!
[07:33:20] <Durzan20> wave