Friday, November 17, 2017
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[02:05:27] <altiren (Coldfront)> wow. that's 3 times the same news update repeated itself.
[02:05:46] <altiren (Coldfront)> and there was no music inbetween these repeats.
[02:08:37] <digitalnight#2633 (STO)> maybe its stuck in one of those classic time repeat star trek episodes
[02:10:10] <Ligermk1 (Coldfront)> hewwo
[02:10:18] <altiren (Coldfront)> that's one...
[02:10:31] <altiren (Coldfront)> this is 2...
[02:11:00] <altiren (Coldfront)> hmm. okay.
[02:50:49] *Baz (Coldfront) pounce/stabs altiren
[03:06:02] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> JoeLawnTrue
[03:06:09] <altiren (Coldfront)> there you are.
[03:06:20] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> (Boston accent) Car plaw
[03:06:29] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Qapla'
[03:06:37] <ligermk1 (STO)> Acknem
[03:06:41] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> DaH naDev jIH
[03:06:43] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I am here now
[03:07:18] <kareemwoods (STO)> car plaw? lmao
[03:08:06] <altiren (Coldfront)> actually got this last week.
[03:08:14] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> car plewee
[03:09:13] <altiren (Coldfront)> thing was 21.35
[03:09:26] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Got what last week?
[03:09:30] <altiren (Coldfront)> mIRC.
[03:09:33] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> ah nice
[03:09:48] <altiren (Coldfront)> and the best thing is, this is the professional installation.
[03:09:48] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I used mIRC all the time way way back in the late 90s
[03:09:56] <altiren (Coldfront)> ah, cool.
[03:12:03] *TokyoTrekker (Coldfront) freaks out
[03:12:59] <kareemwoods (STO)> before i was born
[03:13:15] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> 1984
[03:13:27] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> dang yep 84
[03:13:48] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> whenever I hear the intro to this song, it has me conditioned to expect a TrekRadio promo :P
[03:14:00] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> lol yep
[03:14:27] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> Pavlov's......errr....TrekRadio's dogs :P
[03:18:28] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> floating space log
[03:19:11] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> That was John Laroquette? I never knew that
[03:22:25] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> lol shipjackers
[03:23:26] <kareemwoods (STO)> i was born
[03:27:10] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Should the next song be "Magic Theater", "Transformers", or "Seeds"
[03:27:30] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> TRANSFORMERS
[03:27:37] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE!
[03:28:07] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I think the whole thing, Beyond The Mind's Eye, is probably on YouTube
[03:28:12] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> but it's now available on DVD
[03:28:49] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> the "transformers" segment was cool. It was generic robots transforming, not licensed Transformers from Hasbro but clearly a take off on that
[03:29:47] *TokyoTrekker (Coldfront) attempts to spell out the transforming sound QOOCHOOCHOOCHEWQOO
[03:38:07] <kareemwoods (STO)> only a synth would listen to synth pop
[03:39:29] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Synth made me think of Fall Out 4.
[03:48:47] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> hello all
[03:48:57] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Hiya joshthenesnerd
[03:49:08] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> Qapla' Deyvid
[03:49:17] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> ↑↑↓↓←→←→BABA select start
[03:49:34] *joshthenesnerd (Coldfront) gives TokyoTrekker 30 extra lives
[03:49:42] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> WOOHOO!
[03:50:11] *joshthenesnerd (Coldfront) doubles contra's difficulty to contrast such changes
[03:50:30] *TokyoTrekker (Coldfront) hits the reset button
[03:51:04] *joshthenesnerd (Coldfront) boots up and gives TokyoTrekker only 5 lives.
[03:51:14] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> better than 3!
[03:51:28] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> i thought contra had 5 at the start
[03:51:29] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> cue stage 1 contra music
[03:51:47] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> I thought it was 3
[03:51:56] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> oh well
[03:52:21] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> goddammit deyvid XD
[03:52:26] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> only 3 for the NES version
[03:52:29] <altiren (Coldfront)> you have no idea.
[03:52:35] <kareemwoods (STO)> wah hoo!
[03:52:52] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> no idea about what, altiren?
[03:52:57] <altiren (Coldfront)> now if mario levels were like this, I'd die a happy man.
[03:53:07] *TokyoTrekker (Coldfront) backwards jumps into the pipe sticking out of TrekRadio
[03:53:23] *TokyoTrekker (Coldfront) warps to Negative 1 TrekRadio
[03:53:28] *altiren (Coldfront) jumps into the pipe but empales himself on the metal flag.
[03:53:49] *altiren (Coldfront) some how survives and ends up in hyrule
[03:53:57] <kareemwoods (STO)> hyaaaa!
[03:54:12] *TokyoTrekker (Coldfront) calls dibs on the mirror shield
[03:55:09] *altiren (Coldfront) somehow is able to nab the triforce and warps into the center of the trek radio studio.
[03:55:26] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> i think the recorder is what does the warping. not the triforce
[03:55:38] <altiren (Coldfront)> aww. :p
[03:55:47] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> recorder in the early games, which then was the orcarina
[03:56:04] *altiren (Coldfront) just uses the harp of ages and undoes that mistake.
[03:56:35] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> TokyoTrekker is right, the recorder evolved in concept to the ocarina with added abilities and more musical capabilities
[03:56:47] <kareemwoods (STO)> gannon should just make an army of chickens
[03:57:03] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> oh god the chickens
[03:57:13] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> man I had the hardest time adjusting to extending the scale out from 3 notes to 4 or 5 for Wind Waker
[03:57:16] <altiren (Coldfront)> run away from the evil chickens.
[03:57:58] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> TokyoTrekker, try playing an instument. the piano has a 12 note scale. and 80-someodd keys in total
[03:58:30] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> no thanks, have a hard enough time playing guitar hero :P
[04:00:40] <altiren (Coldfront)> mush room kingdom.
[04:02:04] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> I'm super hungry, gonna head out for lunch now. I'll be back in an hour, but I'll keep listening on my phone
[04:02:50] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> i got 2 2600 systems. i got the 6-switch light woody model and the 4 switch sears model
[04:03:16] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> genesis was actually my first retro system.
[04:03:38] <ligermk1 (STO)> NES
[04:03:39] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> mortal kombat's blood code
[04:04:00] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Did Nintendo have the blood in a blood code?
[04:04:03] *altiren (Coldfront) smiles as he prepares to preform a fatality.
[04:04:04] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> snes version had blood too, but it looked like sweat.
[04:04:05] <ligermk1 (STO)> ABACABBA
[04:04:08] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Sega Genesis it was already there
[04:04:13] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> yeah
[04:04:23] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> was just grey
[04:05:00] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> FINISH HIM !!
[04:05:10] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> FATALITY
[04:05:14] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> SCORPION WINS
[04:05:19] *altiren (Coldfront) wins... fatality.
[04:05:24] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> shhh
[04:05:39] *joshthenesnerd (Coldfront) had a FLAWFUL VICTORY
[04:05:56] <ligermk1 (STO)> Fatality
[04:06:10] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> at least it wasn't a falafel
[04:06:36] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> so, anyways. i'm in the middle of rewaching TNG. but this time i've roped my girlfriend into watching it with me, and she's never seen the show before. she absolutely loves it.
[04:06:48] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> that's awesome
[04:07:01] <ligermk1 (STO)> Brutality
[04:07:16] <altiren (Coldfront)> we don't talk about those here.
[04:07:29] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> we're about halfway through season 4 at the moment. her favourite character is Data (as is mine)
[04:07:46] <altiren (Coldfront)> you can only mention the fatality, babality, animality, and so on.
[04:07:51] <ligermk1 (STO)> Qapla
[04:08:01] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> FRIENDSHIP @altiren
[04:08:04] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> street fighter
[04:08:17] <altiren (Coldfront)> friendship?
[04:08:26] <ligermk1 (STO)> Friendship, friendship again
[04:08:52] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> i like street fighter 2 more than mortal kombat.
[04:09:21] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> chun li and her leg kick
[04:09:40] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> Tobal no. 1 was a great little known fighter on ps1. came with the demo disc for final fantasy VII
[04:10:28] <altiren (Coldfront)> hon solo vs darth mall.
[04:10:48] <altiren (Coldfront)> justmess up the cannon why don't we.
[04:10:56] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> brb
[04:13:31] <altiren (Coldfront)> thok vs hoar. battle of the crazy sounding minions.
[04:13:45] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> isn't thok a sound effect from teh old batman tv series?
[04:14:54] <altiren (Coldfront)> pres the l2 button to draw your disrupter.
[04:15:13] <altiren (Coldfront)> use double fisted blow to finish an opponent off in style.
[04:16:03] <altiren (Coldfront)> lurpa I think.
[04:16:25] <kareemwoods (STO)> [Vulcan Lirpa Mk XI [Psi] [Stn]]
[04:16:50] <altiren (Coldfront)> yes.
[04:17:02] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> i have returned
[04:17:42] <altiren (Coldfront)> oh, and for an amusing finisher the opponent gets berried alive in latnom.
[04:18:30] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> when i was leaving i heard you say the game had mara jade. i got 150 pages left in "heir to the empire". she is an interesting character
[04:19:09] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> sould edge/soul calibur
[04:19:18] <altiren (Coldfront)> soulcalibur II and soulcalibur III were awsem.
[04:19:20] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> virtua fighter, pit fighter
[04:19:23] <kareemwoods (STO)> you what was a good game? E.T
[04:19:38] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> soul calibur 4 was pretty good. has yoda and starkiller
[04:19:42] <altiren (Coldfront)> more so II then III. we got link, spawn, and hihochi.
[04:19:59] <altiren (Coldfront)> don't care to much for yoda, he was cheap.
[04:20:29] <altiren (Coldfront)> darth vator was fair because he could be grabbed. and who can resist the force choke?
[04:20:52] <altiren (Coldfront)> also, can't forget the aprentice
[04:21:19] <joshthenesnerd (Coldfront)> apprentice was starkiller.
[04:21:24] <altiren (Coldfront)> yeah.
[04:21:30] <altiren (Coldfront)> that character.
[04:21:45] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> then there was also the first cd based arcade game, with Dirk
[04:22:19] <altiren (Coldfront)> there was also the critical finish, which had such awsem finishing music.
[04:22:29] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> dragons lair
[04:22:55] <altiren (Coldfront)> all I can say is when that guard drops to 0, just smile and watch as the foe, your brother or another person, dies.
[04:24:30] <altiren (Coldfront)> actually went and took out my brother with sigfrieds critical finish, the battle was pretty close, but I hammered that shield gage to 0 and was able to pull off the trick.
[04:25:04] <altiren (Coldfront)> other then that victory in 4, actually hadn't won anymore after that.
[04:25:37] <altiren (Coldfront)> though I am very good in the DBZ series on the ps2.
[04:25:57] <altiren (Coldfront)> anyway, going to be quiet and let conversation flow again.
[04:27:31] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> This song was from the Jackie Chan movie Rumble in the Bronx
[04:27:37] <altiren (Coldfront)> oh wow.
[04:37:54] <kareemwoods (STO)> no shocker there
[04:39:09] <kareemwoods (STO)> damn EA cant you do one thing right
[04:40:21] <kareemwoods (STO)> damn!
[04:44:14] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> a fustercluck
[04:44:41] <altiren (Coldfront)> No one should have to do micro transactions just to get threw a game level.
[04:45:06] <kareemwoods (STO)> imagen is sto did the same
[04:45:13] <altiren (Coldfront)> that's like solara and there microtransaction and there energy meeter.
[04:45:54] <kareemwoods (STO)> being too greedy
[04:47:12] <kareemwoods (STO)> pay to login lol
[04:47:34] <altiren (Coldfront)> oh yeah.
[04:48:20] <kareemwoods (STO)> no man sky was a big empty promis
[04:48:20] <comndrdukath#0805 (STO)> a bait and switch
[04:48:56] <altiren (Coldfront)> no man sky? more like no mans promise.
[04:50:42] <altiren (Coldfront)> at least alter aeon's microtransactions arn't required and all that stuff.
[04:50:57] <altiren (Coldfront)> You can purchase credits threw ingame gold.
[04:51:57] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> this whole EA thing is very interesting to watch
[04:52:04] <kareemwoods (STO)> gaming is getting expensive
[04:52:32] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> people are fine with paying for games, but adding microtransactions to games you initially pay for is what is starting this whole shitstorm
[04:52:40] <altiren (Coldfront)> mmhmm.
[04:53:21] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> I'm fine with paying for DLC, as long as it's not just a generic map or something very low effort
[04:53:44] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> I loved buying the GTA IV DLC new stories
[04:54:31] <altiren (Coldfront)> Yes.
[04:55:18] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> is the story in the game cannon?
[04:59:32] <kareemwoods (STO)> can they aim better?
[05:01:03] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> people are already cancelling their pre-orders and demanding refunds for prepurchased SWBFII
[05:04:14] <altiren (Coldfront)> you can say they... forced the boundries, choking the life out of there fanbase?
[05:05:43] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> they wanted to milk their cash cow
[05:05:50] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> and they wanted to heavily milk it
[05:06:02] <altiren (Coldfront)> oh yeah.
[05:06:35] <D_Brooke (STO)> The vacuum hose was a dead giveaway.
[05:06:45] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> kind of like how we were supposed to get DLC for GTAV, but Rockstar just kept pushing their online mini updates only....
[05:07:59] <kareemwoods (STO)> mlg 360 no scope smoke weed everyday mnt dew
[05:09:10] <kareemwoods (STO)> or meet up with a modder...
[05:09:29] <kareemwoods (STO)> <<<lvl 8000
[05:09:35] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> yeah modders, then hope they don't detect it and ban your account
[05:09:39] <kareemwoods (STO)> batmobil is crap
[05:09:50] <kareemwoods (STO)> dont get it
[05:10:51] <kareemwoods (STO)> tron bike is nice
[05:12:29] <kareemwoods (STO)> cant upgrade the batmobil unless you have the MOC...
[05:16:03] <kareemwoods (STO)> waiting for that to go on sale...
[05:17:48] <Deyvid (Coldfront)>
[05:19:20] <altiren (Coldfront)> Yes. good.
[05:19:55] <kareemwoods (STO)> i was jar jar for halloween back in 3rd grade xD
[05:19:56] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> buy Jar-Jar just to walk around and let people take their frustration out on you
[05:20:17] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> CORN OOOOOOOOOON THE COBBBB
[05:20:17] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> lol the other team would hunt down Jar Ja
[05:20:20] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Jar Jar
[05:20:30] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> CORN ONNNNNN THE KABOOOOOOOOOOB
[05:20:39] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> they should make Jar Jar killable by everyone in the game, even his own side
[05:20:40] <altiren (Coldfront)> Yes. I like that idea. buy jarjar and watch him be beeton to a pulp or just dab with him every time you kill someone to troll the compotition.
[05:21:01] <altiren (Coldfront)> Yes. that to sounds like a good idea.
[05:21:02] <kareemwoods (STO)> i hate you tokyo trekker.... xD
[05:21:07] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> lol
[05:21:13] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> :p
[05:21:29] <kareemwoods (STO)> great now i can unhear it
[05:21:33] <kareemwoods (STO)> cant
[05:21:35] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I didn't hate Jar Jar in the movies, wasn't my favorite but he was ok, but so many people hate him
[05:21:37] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> lol
[05:22:28] <altiren (Coldfront)> introduce a new concept into his character trolljar.
[05:22:46] <altiren (Coldfront)> every time he dabs, it adds a point to his kill count.
[05:23:13] <altiren (Coldfront)> more then 6 dabs per player kill equals a automatic kill from both sides.
[05:23:18] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> in the old Battlefront II on PS2, you could kill Ewoks
[05:23:20] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> every time you kill Jar Jar online he screams "blblblblblblblbl" as loud as possible for everyone in the match to hear. So yeah, you can kill him, but at a price :p
[05:23:31] <altiren (Coldfront)> Yes.
[05:24:04] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> corn ooooon the cob
[05:24:09] <kareemwoods (STO)> someone going to mod jar jar in the game i bet money on it
[05:24:13] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> CORN OOONNNNN THE KABOBBBBBBB
[05:24:14] <altiren (Coldfront)> also.. jarjar vs darth mall that would be either a 1sided death or very trolly depending on the player.
[05:25:26] <altiren (Coldfront)> mall player swings lightsaber. jarjar taunts and trolls, getting automatic invinsibility frames.
[05:25:47] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> to close out the show, should the last block of music be techno or metal?
[05:26:09] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> metal? you did techno last week right?
[05:26:15] <altiren (Coldfront)> little bit of both. I have no problem with techno, and I like metal.
[05:26:42] <ligermk1 (STO)> Underground music
[05:27:24] <kareemwoods (STO)> metal from doom 2016 :P
[05:28:33] <altiren (Coldfront)> brb
[05:32:39] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> they conveniently forgot to mention the time it took to level up....
[05:36:16] <altiren (Coldfront)> back.
[05:36:24] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> Hick nic?
[05:36:32] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Hypnic
[05:36:33] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> :p
[05:40:33] *TokyoTrekker (Coldfront) plugs into the Matrix
[05:40:50] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Wake up. Follow the white targ.
[05:45:54] <kareem (Coldfront)> sto crashed grr
[05:46:27] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> dang
[05:46:31] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> This is from Doom
[05:46:36] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> !currentsong
[05:46:55] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> ugh I forget the command
[05:48:31] *Deyvid (Coldfront) facepalms
[05:48:31] <kareem (Coldfront)> its broken too :P
[05:49:45] <altiren (Coldfront)> oo. cool pick.
[05:49:51] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> nope that doesn't work either
[05:53:04] <kareem (Coldfront)> :o
[05:53:04] <altiren (Coldfront)> nope. definitly down.
[05:53:08] <kareem (Coldfront)> what is ths witch craft
[05:53:24] <altiren (Coldfront)> mmhmm. couldn't agree more.
[05:53:28] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> :P
[05:53:43] <kareem (Coldfront)> lol not yet :P
[05:53:57] <altiren (Coldfront)> how about @pink.
[05:54:36] <kareem (Coldfront)> damn
[05:54:59] <altiren (Coldfront)> okay, that's what the alerts are fore.
[05:57:27] <altiren (Coldfront)> this isn't a bad cover.
[06:02:19] <altiren (Coldfront)> korn. cool.
[06:06:19] <altiren (Coldfront)> hmm, a doubleshot? cool.
[06:12:06] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> is this your goodbye song?
[06:12:25] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> nope I figured I'd play the last few in the list
[06:12:37] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> although that could work
[06:12:56] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> okay, if you play Suicidal Ttendencies you need to play Infectious Groove too :D
[06:13:54] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> jImaw'be' ("I'm not crazy!")
[06:14:19] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> All Deyvid wanted was a Pepsi!
[06:14:35] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> just one pepsi!
[06:14:49] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> But Hick wouldn't give it to him!
[06:15:01] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> I just needed some tim to think and figure it out
[06:15:11] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> *time
[06:16:01] <altiren (Coldfront)> rootbeer.
[06:16:08] <altiren (Coldfront)> mmm. rootbeer.
[06:16:11] <kareem (Coldfront)> cream soda
[06:17:33] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> and I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ say SCREW YOU
[06:17:39] <altiren (Coldfront)> brb.
[06:18:06] <altiren (Coldfront)> okay. back.
[06:18:08] *Deyvid (Coldfront) gives Kirk the finger
[06:18:41] *altiren (Coldfront) just smiles before sending a clay man to take over his vesel
[06:20:49] <Parttimechampion (Coldfront)> Thanks for the show, Dey! :)
[06:21:03] <altiren (Coldfront)> this was such a great show deyvid, thank you.
[06:24:32] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Thanks! Qapla'
[06:25:18] <altiren (Coldfront)> well, this was fun, I'll be sure to follow you on twitter at some point if I can find you deyvid.
[06:25:20] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> quite a different turn after the metal lol
[06:25:31] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> on Twitter I'm @Deyvid_KDF
[06:25:39] <Deyvid (Coldfront)>
[06:29:21] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> thanks for the show Deyvid, Joe LawnTrue
[06:29:53] <Deyvid (Coldfront)> Thanks for tuning in & chatting. Kaw-plaw
[06:34:31] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> we were stayin' Tom Parisonpu
[06:34:32] <Ligermk1 (Coldfront)> good night y'all
[06:34:42] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)>
[06:50:39] <TokyoTrekker (Coldfront)> It's on, and I'm gone, and dats dat♪ Got some reports to pull for the suits upstairs. See ya'll for harmless content Sunday
[12:53:42] <solrs#4954 (STO)> for dil i just do the crystaline catastrophe que and get nukara marks
[12:59:06] <solrs#4954 (STO)> for EC I upgrade beam consoles and sell them on the market