Wednesday, July 17, 2024
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Feel free to talk about weightlifting, heavyletics and generally fitness related arguments.

Feeds from Reddit and IWF are linked directly in the room.

The room is linked to Matrix via Aria Network's Bifrost.

[00:31:40] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 100 KG Snatch (95%) (
[01:13:03] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: How’s my squat form? (
[02:13:53] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Wes Kitts tested positive for… using a nasal decongestant? (
[02:54:47] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Wes Accepts sanction (
[03:15:13] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Tuesday session (
[03:35:51] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: seeking input on programming push press (
[03:45:27] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Third Pull: Assistance Exercises (
[03:55:46] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Front squats @111kg (
[06:38:41] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Weightlifting shoes (
[06:38:41] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Weight lifting shoes for Beginners? (
[06:38:41] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Front squat form check (
[06:38:41] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Need advice (
[07:09:00] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: What is a good weightlifting program to increase strength and build aesthetic muscles? (
[08:46:49] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Is Street Weightlifting the Future? Swiss Weightlifting Tournament 2024 (
[09:37:29] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Pinching on Side of Ankle When Dorsiflexing, Terrible Ankle Mobility + Squat Mechanics (
[11:39:07] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Question about rep schemes in programs (
[12:19:31] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Ulnar nerve pain? (
[14:21:03] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Failure on sets (
[15:52:01] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Snatch 115x2@ 84~ last year (
[15:52:01] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 156@82 back in 2022 (
[17:43:27] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Any SoCal unaffiliated lifters? (
[18:24:05] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Is there any extra benefit to doing DB clean and press with one hand at a time rather than both hands? (
[18:44:28] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 150@87bw PR (
[18:44:28] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 150@87bw PR (
[20:31:45] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Mohamed Ehab popped in Rio 2016 reanalysis. Colombian in 6th place could get a medal (
[21:32:36] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 75kg power clean + 3 jerks (
[22:07:32] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Form check (
[23:40:23] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: How is my squat? (
[23:40:23] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Offseason Training (
[23:40:23] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Weightlifting in SB (
[23:40:24] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Wearing Compression All Day (
[23:59:05] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Why do BTN presses? (
[23:59:05] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Squat form check. Any tips? Trying for depth with limited ankle mobility. (