Wednesday, May 15, 2024
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Feel free to talk about weightlifting, heavyletics and generally fitness related arguments.

Feeds from Reddit and IWF are linked directly in the room.

The room is linked to Matrix via Aria Network's Bifrost.

[00:53:37] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Does it bug you when someone takes weights off the machine you’re using? (
[01:14:56] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Better technique? (
[02:49:52] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Form check for my friend here (
[04:21:18] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Squat form tips. I am more upright during warmups but I tip forward during working sets (
[04:21:18] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Squat tips please. I am more upright during warmups but I tend to tip over during working sets (
[04:51:32] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Spot the difference, Which one is a better snatch? A or B (
[06:02:37] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 97.5kg clean & jerk pr (
[06:12:42] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Aesthetic (
[07:43:43] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Getting programming from a suspended athlete (
[10:45:41] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Olivia Reeves: The Unbeatable Force in American Weightlifting (
[11:36:13] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Yelling makes the weight lighter (
[12:47:04] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Lee Sang Yeon (-73kg) sets S.Korean National Record with 196kg C&J (
[12:47:08] <Echo Archon> New post in International Weightlifting Federation: IWF President in Baku to enhance weightlifting development in Azerbaijan (
[13:37:55] <Echo Archon> New post in International Weightlifting Federation: Get ready for the second edition of ITA’s anti-doping webinars! (
[14:08:17] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Wanted to make one actual PR on C&J before graduating college 102Kg. (
[14:08:20] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Wanted to make one actual PR on C&J before graduating college 102Kg. (
[14:18:27] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Anyone else gets shitfingers? (
[14:38:43] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: What should I do? (
[14:49:04] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Squat form check (
[15:49:52] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: I’m a recovering powerlifter tryna learn weightlifting. (
[15:59:58] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Critique My Routine (
[16:10:07] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: PR attempt (
[16:20:17] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: I’m curious what these marks are. Showed up after my side delt workout, is it just my capillaries being expressed? There’s no pain at all. (
[16:20:19] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: RDLs and Shoes (
[16:50:49] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 85kg and 95kg snatch (
[17:11:08] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Hybrid Weightlifters?? (
[19:02:55] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Pause squats (
[20:34:31] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Long Femur Gang squat form check (
[21:04:19] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 90kg power clean. Idk what I'm really doing. (
[22:37:19] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: This subReddit is the only place I enjoy about Reddit. Being a self taught weightlifter I have learnt a lot of technical corrections. That being said please check my snatch form and if I have to modify the grip to make contact on my hips. I’m only able to make it on my upper thigh region. (
[22:47:27] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 160kg Clean PR (recent) (
[23:07:43] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Uesaka training vs comp bar (
[23:17:54] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: Toe out angle (
[23:27:59] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: I used ChatGPT 4o realtime conversational speech to be my personal trainer today and it was great! (
[23:58:35] <Echo Archon> New post in Weightlifting: The Olympic Sport: 153 squat pr (