Monday, February 04, 2019
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[02:59:08] <species8471> Ato!
[02:59:13] <Suval> o7
[02:59:25] <atomos> Ahoy thar Suval
[03:01:09] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Welcome one and all to the Harmless Content Transmission!
[03:06:49] <Suval> tags are showing up properly for ya :)
[03:08:55] <Suval> Greetings PTC
[03:09:02] <Parttimechampion> Hi Ato, hi everyone! :)
[03:09:54] <species8471> oh we're all mad here ...... lol
[03:10:35] <BlackHoleKit> she an uber drivers nightmare
[03:10:39] <Parttimechampion> Especially Bazaag.
[03:11:32] <species8471> Ato is "Well, All right" from the 40's?
[03:14:54] <Durzan20> ahoy atomos, trekradio
[03:19:00] <species8471> heya Durzan
[03:21:02] <Suval> heya BB
[03:21:04] <BLINDBAT> hello all
[03:21:21] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Ahoy Welcome aboard!
[03:24:54] *Parttimechampion rides across a post-apocalyptic landscape
[03:25:50] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Music can transform you PTC :P
[03:27:07] <Parttimechampion> Transform me? So I can be Optimus Prime?
[03:28:53] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> you can be whomever the hell you want.... I get to be Shockwave is all :P
[03:29:25] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Guess it all depends on how you feel about 1-X Robots
[03:30:59] *Suval beams everyone to their tables
[03:34:47] <altiren> Hey everyone.
[03:35:26] <species8471> heya Alt
[03:40:26] *Suval bows
[03:40:50] <altiren> using thunderbird tonight, didn't want to connect up the flash.
[03:41:45] <Parttimechampion> Good to be seen!
[03:41:52] <BLINDBAT> hello
[03:43:15] <Suval> Greetings General
[03:48:35] <Parttimechampion> This song always makes me miss Gene Wilder.
[03:57:32] <Parttimechampion> I'll never not love that snippet from They Live.
[03:58:52] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Ya it fits all the checkboxes for good scifi ;)
[03:59:21] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Oh, and we have one that sees.... GET EM!
[04:03:00] <BLINDBAT> atomos did you get my pm
[04:04:35] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Yup will mention it at the break ;)
[04:04:44] <BLINDBAT> :D
[04:04:48] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Grats btw, welcome aboard :)
[04:05:03] <slk1> hi atomos
[04:06:23] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Ahoy thar slk1! Welcome aboard
[04:06:37] <slk1> ty
[04:07:24] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Just in time for the start of tonights radio drama ;)
[04:07:48] <BLINDBAT> why do I have the feeling when you hear frank it is never good
[04:08:00] <species8471> typically it isn't lol
[04:08:46] <BLINDBAT> you forgot Groundhogs seing their shadows
[04:10:42] <BLINDBAT> btw the pigskin bowl is over and the cheaters won lol 13 to 3
[04:11:01] <BLINDBAT> I had to say that to pick on my better half
[04:11:24] <Durzan20> normally i dont care who wins the barbaric ritual collisseum violence. but even i didnt want the cheating trumplicans to win :)
[04:12:05] <BLINDBAT> dont insult the players by assocating them with flump
[04:12:33] <Durzan20> bellichek and tom brady are known trump supporters, were involved in events during campaign
[04:12:42] *BLINDBAT is dancing in her chair
[04:13:07] <Capt.Tsonia> Jolan Tru
[04:13:31] *BLINDBAT is belly dancing
[04:14:09] <BLINDBAT> brb switching pcs
[04:14:10] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Ahoy thar Capt.Tsonia, Welcome aboard
[04:14:20] <Capt.Tsonia> Thx glad to be aboard
[04:15:06] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Tonights Harmless Content is featuring the X Minus One radio drama "Skulking Permit" from Feb 1956
[04:15:21] <Capt.Tsonia> Cool
[04:15:54] <OG_Trigon> dat timing!
[04:15:56] <OG_Trigon> hiya
[04:15:56] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> lol this is one of the most Harmless of the radio dramas
[04:16:08] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Welcome aboard OG_Trigon
[04:16:36] <OG_Trigon> x-1 awesome
[04:16:44] <Jungsutee> Heh
[04:16:55] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> this is a very OG theme :D
[04:17:05] <Jungsutee> schweet
[04:17:24] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Welcome aboard Jungsutee
[04:17:34] <species8471> Tee!!!
[04:18:33] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Situation appears unconventional, to say the least
[04:19:13] <Durzan20> time to smoke a bowl
[04:20:19] <BLIND> finally got irc fixed
[04:20:31] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Welcome back :)
[04:22:26] <OG_Trigon> \oo/
[04:22:35] <species8471> Tri!!!
[04:22:54] <OG_Trigon> ahoy suval!
[04:27:59] <Parttimechampion> TWF Tokyo Trekker goes back to the US after working in Japan for half a decade...
[04:29:37] <Capt.Tsonia> no crime? unheard of
[04:30:12] <OG_Trigon> \oo/
[04:30:12] <Durzan20> sounds downright communist!
[04:30:17] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Come on Capt.Tsonia you have to be the criminal, everyones doing their part
[04:30:39] <Capt.Tsonia> lol...laws? I'll let you know as fast as I make them up
[04:30:55] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> lol ya the dialogue is priceless
[04:30:59] <Capt.Tsonia> noooo I don't want to...that inspector might shoot me
[04:31:07] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> (Maybe you could steal that?)
[04:32:24] <Durzan20> lol you know that almost sounds like a trumpism.. talk real good cuz im smart and stuff
[04:33:13] <Parttimechampion> Keep broadcasting cautionary tales and you're going to get your skulking permit revoked, Ato.
[04:34:21] <Capt.Tsonia> i really feel that a smart person doesn't have to say "I'm the smartest, I know more than ....whoever fits the boast of the day.
[04:35:38] <BLIND> sounds like he is in a AA group
[04:37:31] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Hey! that sounds like someone sayin something smart Tsonia..... GET HER!
[04:37:50] <Capt.Tsonia> Yikes....transports to her ship
[04:39:00] *BLIND gets her phazer out
[04:40:02] <BLIND> x-1 never gets old
[04:40:41] <Capt.Tsonia> it is awesome...
[04:42:06] <BLIND> well I told the groundhog he was seing his shadow or I was going to blow him up
[04:43:05] <Capt.Tsonia> that reminds me of Caddy Shack
[04:43:15] <Capt.Tsonia> tune
[04:43:24] <BLIND> more like groundhog day
[04:44:08] <Capt.Tsonia> Bill Murray rocks
[04:57:09] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> :D
[04:57:30] *Parttimechampion fights da powah
[04:58:27] <BLIND> well if I fight the power I will be clawed --- the cats have all the power in this house
[05:01:52] <Parttimechampion> If you can't fight the power, scritch the power.
[05:02:51] *BLIND gives the power treats and catnip she knows how to bribe
[05:03:14] <BLIND> keep hick away everything
[05:03:38] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> ive been sayin that for years :D
[05:04:00] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> and then they put his show right next to mine :P
[05:04:17] <BLIND> well everything exept a bottle of GIN
[05:04:33] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> lol true
[05:05:14] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> the important thing at this point is to watch out for Partimechampion and his kung-fu TREACHERY!!!!
[05:05:29] <Parttimechampion> Fiendish Dr Wu! You done fucked up now!
[05:05:40] <BLIND> Kung fu treatchery
[05:05:47] <Parttimechampion> You could have joined me, Ato, but now, you must die.
[05:06:00] *BLIND will die with honor
[05:06:23] <Capt.Tsonia> Kung Fu treachery....
[05:07:02] <BLIND> tonight I am speaking TYPO the language of the internet
[05:08:26] <altiren> so, have been partying with 2 other people all this time which is why I haven't been talking much.
[05:08:44] <BLIND> ok
[05:08:54] <Capt.Tsonia> sure and didn't invite us lol
[05:10:18] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Welcome to your friends there partying altiren :D
[05:10:55] <BLIND> you are forgiven unless you have good food there if so you better share or else
[05:11:00] <BlackHoleKit> this sounds like it could have been an eps of green acres show
[05:11:29] <altiren> we were doing a experience run on the unofficial squaresoft mud, got a level and am really close to getting a shield.
[05:11:45] <BLIND> TUNE!!!
[05:11:46] <species8471> tune
[05:11:47] <altiren> OO, nice bad company cover!
[05:13:42] <Durzan20> i do like the remake even better i think
[05:14:24] <BLIND> I like it it is dark
[05:15:40] <Durzan20> its pure metal. original was just rock
[05:15:51] <BLIND> I love it
[05:16:21] <Durzan20> yah its good. my only problem is i hear it everytime i get in my car on the local rock station heh
[05:31:59] <BLIND> good I will skulk away
[05:32:41] <Maximo28> so cool Ato
[05:33:03] <crazyhooligin> TREK RADIO, YOU ARE STILL ALIVE????
[05:33:29] <BLIND> ya right a little
[05:34:29] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Ahoy thar crazyhooligan, welcome aboard
[05:35:25] <crazyhooligin> Atomos... truly, you are eternal.
[05:35:57] <BLIND> atomos will live forever
[05:38:07] <BLIND> please do :D
[05:39:28] <BLIND> that is ok I know how to fly
[05:59:53] <Suval_> Great Show Ato!
[06:00:14] <Capt.Tsonia> Thanks for the show Atomos. LLAP all.
[06:00:27] <Maximo28> thanks so much Atomos so good
[06:02:05] <Parttimechampion> Thanks for the show, Ato! :)
[06:02:51] <Durzan20> ty atomos yah that was a good one
[06:05:07] <Parttimechampion> And glad to hear Dub is back on air. :)
[06:05:12] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> Thanks again everyone for tuning in tonight for Harmless Content :D
[06:07:44] <Parttimechampion> Peace-ooot!
[06:08:46] <altiren> this was an awsem show, so dubs on saturday? cool.
[06:08:55] <altiren> anyway, see you all later.
[06:09:10] <DJ_Atomos_OnAir> thanks, take care altiren :)
[06:09:12] <slk1> night atomos
[06:09:15] <Parttimechampion> Sleep well when you do, everyone, see you Tuesday!
[06:11:35] <OG_Trigon> Ato great stuff, thanks
[06:11:40] <OG_Trigon> i'm off to make sleep
[06:12:23] <atomos> Have a great week everyone, see ya soon!
[06:12:37] <Capt.Tsonia> You too