Monday, July 02, 2018
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[00:02:38] <Ponfarr> I'll stick to common sense
[00:02:40] <CommanderDukath> hello all
[00:02:59] <CommanderDukath> sad thing is, commoon sense isn't very common anymore
[00:04:17] <Durzan20>
[00:04:49] <Durzan20> you are now more likely to be killed by a white nationalist terrorist than a muslim terrorist in the US
[01:15:57] <CommanderDukath> the entire planet is going into the shitter, we are letting emotion and other things interfere with doing our own research about any number of subjects, instead of using our supposed intelligence to think things through without trying to cause conflict,
[01:24:46] <TokyoTrekker> o7
[01:24:50] <Suval> o7
[01:25:25] <Ponfarr> o7 TT
[01:26:06] <Ponfarr> Hey TT have you ever ridden that pedal power roller coaster thats in japan?
[01:26:39] <TokyoTrekker> I've ridden a few pedal power theme park rides, but never a roller coaster one
[01:27:52] <xcaliber#2123> oh is HC beginning soon?
[01:28:09] <Ponfarr> hers the link
[01:28:13] <Suval> should be in about 30 mins or so
[01:28:24] <Ponfarr> thers a 2nd one on ther in Japan
[01:30:42] <TokyoTrekker> Haha, that "Vanish coaster", I've been on that does NOT vanish for two minutes
[01:30:59] <TokyoTrekker> maybe 15 seconds or so while it goes through a tunnel, that's it
[01:31:17] <Ponfarr> it looks cool
[01:31:39] <TokyoTrekker> compared with some of the other bigger coaster rides in Japan, it's meh
[01:32:27] <Ponfarr> they should put sindow under water and fill it up with fish
[01:32:27] <TokyoTrekker> There's one about 1.5 hrs south of Tokyo that shoots you off like 100mph or something really fast like that. THAT was fun
[01:33:05] <Ponfarr> Ther ws one here that you went from 0 to 90 in less than 2 secs
[01:33:40] <Ponfarr> till some idiot put his arms up b4 the ride started and broke one of his arms
[01:34:36] <TokyoTrekker>
[01:34:38] <CommanderDukath> sounds like that's a recipe for whiplash
[01:34:55] <TokyoTrekker> I went on that one, awesome rush
[01:35:24] <Ponfarr> the seat went all the way up over your head
[01:36:42] <Ponfarr> looks fun
[01:37:12] <CommanderDukath> think the nearest coaster to me is a good 3 hour drive, or about 200 miles, in salt lake city,
[01:37:30] <Ponfarr> The one at Disney world in Magic Mountian had a section where there were strobe lights
[01:38:26] <Ponfarr> your brain said you weren't moving and your body is screaming in fear as your going up and down really fast and getting shaken from side to side
[01:58:44] <species8471> anyone seen an Atomos around here?
[01:59:14] <xcaliber#2123> WHO?!?
[01:59:38] <species8471> DJ Atomos
[02:00:08] <species8471> sometimes if u speak his name early he shows up lol
[02:02:02] <xcaliber#2123> maybe try saying it 3 times heh
[02:02:10] <TokyoTrekker> Beetlemos Beetlemos Beetlemos
[02:06:01] <Ponfarr> LOL
[02:11:38] <Suval> Ato!
[02:12:32] <Atomos> Heya gang, sry for the delay
[02:12:57] <Atomos> having a few computer issues and will need a little bit to try to resolve them
[02:13:52] <Atomos> Hopefully will have the show up and running soon, thanks again
[02:14:02] <CommanderDukath> we are docking your pay, ato ,for the delay :D
[02:18:01] <TokyoTrekker> aaaand they're back
[02:18:27] <TokyoTrekker> atomos must have tripped on the cord
[02:19:01] <Suval> That or Acosta
[02:30:05] <xcaliber#2123> please save us from the James Darren music!
[02:37:43] <TokyoTrekker> atomos got sucked into the wormhole,
[02:38:01] <TokyoTrekker> was here, then the system crashed, everybody came back but atomos
[02:38:46] <Kaz> give him a few, he's probably in conference will Alliance Command
[02:49:27] <CommanderDukath> i have pandora on my phone going, and have mr darren muted
[03:16:44] <Ponfarr> later all have a good one
[04:20:27] <BLINDBAT> what no harmless
[04:20:58] <CommanderDukath> think atomos had computer issues, he was here briefly,
[04:21:53] <BLINDBAT> tell me lies.... tell me sweet little lies
[04:22:05] <BLINDBAT> so are we going to have Sol Sector Block Party
[04:22:31] <BLINDBAT> I want my TREKRADIO
[04:22:37] <BLINDBAT> live lol
[04:27:47] <OG_Trigon> hi there
[04:27:53] <OG_Trigon> did I miss harmless content?
[04:28:11] <BLINDBAT> hello no I was told he had computer prob
[04:28:25] <OG_Trigon> aw rats, ty for the info
[04:28:46] <CommanderDukath> he was here briefly, but then left, had computer troubles,
[04:28:55] <BLINDBAT> I am hoping for Sol Sector Block Party
[04:29:05] <OG_Trigon> i will stick around in hopes of that too :)
[04:43:58] <BLINDBAT> so how are you og
[04:54:52] <OG_Trigon> ok, we just finished moving, so glad that ordeal is over
[04:56:28] <OG_Trigon> how you been?
[04:59:34] <BLINDBAT> trying to stay cool it has been close to 100 here
[05:03:43] <BLINDBAT> I guess no party eather :(
[05:48:49] <OG_Trigon> have a good night all