Wednesday, May 15, 2024
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Discussion about Star Trek and related arguments.
This room is also bridged with Matrix.

[01:40:16] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Watching Voyager S5 E10 counterpoint and I just had an intrusive thought… (
[02:05:16] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Where are the Trek movies? (
[02:49:49] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: That time commander Tuvok spent time as a middle school teacher. (
[03:40:23] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: I appreciate when smaller starships are also shown to be a threat (
[04:00:33] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Leonardo da Vinci and Cpt. Janeway in a Flying Machine (
[04:10:50] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Who chose ‘Faith of the Heart’? (
[04:20:57] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Chronowerx Coincidence (
[04:41:26] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: "Who would You, "play for"? (
[05:01:41] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: "Do not use while in space dock" any explanation why toilet can't be used? (
[05:11:56] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Your opinion on Holo-Deck/Parallel Earths episodes (
[09:34:56] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Seven of Nine artwork (
[09:44:59] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Actors appearing in other shows (
[11:26:08] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Rotating Dagger! Help finding episode. (
[12:06:35] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Warlord (
[12:36:53] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: What was the worst written McGuffin in all of Star Trek? (
[13:37:45] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Give me your honest answer, would you be tempted to join the Borg? (
[13:37:46] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: The sound of her voice. (DS9) (
[14:08:14] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: I just watched the DS9 documentary and seeing the remastered footage is so sad (
[15:39:39] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Love Star Trek, watched every single series but… (
[16:50:53] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: [Lore Question] What if a pre-warp species wants to make first contact? (
[16:50:55] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Tell me your best ideas for a Star Trek theme park! (
[18:01:44] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: What ST means to us/introducing my kids to ST (
[18:42:23] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: the treaty of Algernon was stupid (
[19:02:55] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Regarding seven: IMO she would’ve been better as a consultant not a crewmember. (
[20:23:53] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: What would be the job of the ISS CERRITOS in the mirror universe? (
[20:34:31] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: During the TNG/DS9/Voy era, did TOS/TAS fans care that the aliens from the older shows didn't show up much? (
[21:24:33] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: A proper ending (
[23:07:46] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: The Viceroy in Nemesis seems like more of a monster than an alien. (
[23:28:03] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Did L.Q. "Sonny" Clemonds ever make another hit record... (
[23:38:12] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Meeting Gillian (Star Trek 4) (
[23:48:22] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Voyager episode: Night (
[23:58:33] <Echo Archon> New post in Star Trek news and discussion: Would a Borg cube cuase tidal effects in a star system it enters? (