<青禾白芷> bonjour
<青禾白芷> any English speaker?
<coward123> Chinese
<hans5577> hi?
<Maranda> hans5577: 👋
<hans5577> I from China
<hans5577> Hows everything going in here
<Maranda> Everything's fine.. maybe you can enlight me about some little curiousity of mine
<hans5577> Sorry my net
<Maranda> How come a lot of people of China are starting to use Matrix/XMPP? Is there any particular reason?
<hans5577> Maranda: How do add you in here
<Maranda> You can't add me, I'm bridged from Matrix
<hans5577> Maranda: Do you have any group in this app
*Maranda made a question first, which yet has to be answered.
<hans5577> No
<hans5577> It is bored that can't find guys to chat in here
<Echo Archon> New post in Articoli su Spazio - MEDIA INAF: Robot lunari, vince il gioco di squadra (https://www.media.inaf.it/2023/07/14/team-anymals/)
<hans5577> Maranda: You know
<garoto> it becomes boring if you evade questions
<Maranda> > <hans5577> No
Then I won't answer yours 🤷