<none30> [addio aarto]
<Echo Archon> New post in Spazio – MEDIA INAF: Addio Michael Collins, astronauta dell’Apollo 11 (https://www.media.inaf.it/2021/04/29/michael-collins/)
<ice> https://www.itamilradar.com/2021/04/28/another-very-busy-morning-over-the-black-sea/
<dalz> イコ (they/them): "gestire un server" probabilmente
<dalz> do you mean "run" as in "execute" or "manage"?
<none30> [addio scherlok]
<none30> salve [in ritardo] toey_ (IRC)
<none30> ice: la NATO si è ritirata all'improvviso dall'afghanistan proprio in previsione di una guerra [per procura] con la russia
<none30> イコ (they/them): whatever the meaning in your context, we never use "run" (it's a surprise for me that in es. they use it)
<ice> mah
<ice> sta di fatto che fanno 10 esercitazioni al giorno
<ice> figli di puttana
<ice> https://twitter.com/ItaMilRadar/status/1387802132926111749
<ice> toh
<ice> chissa che cazzo combinano
<none30> si sa perfettamente: mostrare i muscoli a Putin
<ice> si ma non so
<ice> quegli aerei fanno cose
<Ermanno> > <@long_john_silver:matrix.org> How would you say Run a server in Italian? Do you use literally the word run as we do in Spanish?
faccio girare un server
<Ermanno> Visto il documentario su regeni?
<ice> e' quello che hanno fatto per gettargli merda?
<Ermanno> Carino, ma chi cazzo sono sti giornalisti italiani che parlano? Sembrano fasci ..
<ice> giusto oggi leggevo
<ice> "WikiLeaks proposals (2010)
In 2010, Hunton & Williams LLP allegedly asked Berico Technologies, Palantir, and HBGary Federal to draft a response plan to "the WikiLeaks Threat." In early 2011 Anonymous publicly released HBGary-internal documents, including the plan. The plan proposed that Palantir software would "serve as the foundation for all the data collection, integration, analysis, and production efforts."[75] The plan also included slides, allegedly authored by HBGary CEO Aaron Barr, which suggested "[spreading] disinformation" and "disrupting" Glenn Greenwald’s support for WikiLeaks.[76]
Palantir CEO Karp ended all ties to HBGary and issued a statement apologizing to "progressive organizations… and Greenwald … for any involvement that we may have had in these matters." Palantir placed an employee on leave pending a review by a third-party law firm. The employee was later reinstated.[75] "
<ice> https://www.memri.org/tv/ready-isis-egyptian-commando-cadets-eat-raw-rabbits-chickens-snakes-vow-avenge-dead-comrades
<ice> questa e' la propaganda degli egiziani
<ice> la nostra e' fatta talmente bene che non la vedete
<ice> mi riferisco al documentario
<Ermanno> i ma dove cazzo li hanno presi quei coglioni che parlano italiano?
<Echo Archon> New post in Spazio – MEDIA INAF: I “falò” che riscaldano la corona solare (https://www.media.inaf.it/2021/04/29/campfires-solar-orbiter/)